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Last online 2年以上 ago
United Kingdom
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 11:23am
Hm, a biker? Or just into leather? No harm in a wardrobe update every so often. Have you had it a long time? I hear leather is supposed to last quite a while.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 11:02am
Oh? What draws you to the leather? I remember having a leather trench coat around the time of the Matrix ^ ^;
anon @otakujt left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 10:27am
Same, I'm what you might call a hikikomori Otaku. I stay up all night watching anime or playing video games. So um... what anime are you on currently?
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 9:55am
Well, there wasn't really much I wanted really... My aunt has gotten the wig I need for my Yin cosplay, and I know I have a Lolita dress. The rest I have no idea, I'll be happy just with the gesture of a present, you know ^ ^; How about you?
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 9:15am
It is, the caffeine and sugar just meld into a comforting haze ^ ^ Right right, but it's your turn to change the subject.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 9:00am
Haha, you wrote on your own wall, I fee better now. Hm, if I were there I would oblige you with both. But The Rock has been coming and going for years, what with the acting career...I can't believe we're talking about this ^ ^;
Dec 22, 14 at 8:46am
Aha I suppose your right. Would kill for some decent cake and a cuppa right now. Kane and John Cena are still going but no one else really, sometimes the Undertaker and The Rock come back for Wrestlemania.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 8:39am
Where else would one go for tea and cake? or sandwich as it is at the moment. Not many tea shops. I think all the old ones are retired now, right?
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 8:28am
I'm already out though, in Starbucks. I had the dentist this morning and have been here ever since. I stopped watching ages ago when Kain was going weird.
Manga_bird @manga_bird left a comment for Sherflow
Dec 22, 14 at 7:55am
Well, I can't be tedious unless I start talking about the weather. My what a cloudy say, I think it might rain -.- Hahaa, it is fun. I used to watch it too when I was young, you know, the WWE/WWF soap opera type, ah! The hilarity.