Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

Bitch please @tabris
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Bitch please @tabris
This account has been suspended.

hirarara15 @hirarara15
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hirarara15 @hirarara15

Out of order @madyblack3
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Out of order @madyblack3
Heyo. It’s a pleasure to meet you ^-^

deactivated @seji_hikaru
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deactivated @seji_hikaru
Hello, thank you for the add ^^

adriiuhh @aaanomaly
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adriiuhh @aaanomaly
Why did you delete me, I thought we were FRIEEEEEEEEENDS :( Lol jk I'm just playing xD I'm glad I was worthy enough to be spared from your cleanse qwq

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
AzureFool0 @shadowduty7
Just cleaned my friend list for the first time since.........around 3 years ago?
If I deleted you, don't take it personally and feel free to add me back if you want.

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7 .

Johannes @yestotally
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Johannes @yestotally
for some reason, every time I read what you say, I do it in gowthers voice. LOL

AzureFool0 @shadowduty7 That's cause I used Invasion to shape your memories to make your perception of Gowther more akin to my personality

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
This account has been suspended.

Daggera @daggera
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Daggera @daggera
Thank you for that insight, it makes more sense now and truly makes me appreciate the series even more since it was created by young-talent who brought the whole story and characters to life. I thought this was a bigger production because of its great quality. I also forgot to mention that even though the story was based on the same concept 'the games' and finding out the darkness in people, it was done in a way that was not repetitive which is a detail in some animes that makes me lose interest fast. They kept every episode fresh and new while introducing more about the story and background of the characters.
I kept wanting to watch because I actually cared about the characters too, even the side ones who played a much smaller role. Every character had dreams, desires, and was clouded in mystery.
I only wish I didn't have to say goodbye but I will look to this series for inspiration and maybe write something that will be a similar only the gaps will be filled in hopefully.

sadjester @sadjester Aaah, you watched Death Parade. Definitely one of my favourite shows.