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animegal252 @animegal252 left a comment for Sephiroth
Feb 27, 10 at 11:06pm
WHA!!! No crackers!? No oreos!!! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!???
i haven't gotten an email yet about anything like that. gomen.
animegal252 @animegal252 left a comment for Sephiroth
Feb 27, 10 at 11:36am
that sucks but you need healthy food when your sick...but as soon as your better....ALL BETTER CUPCAKES!!!!
lol well darlin that's cause i dont bother taking the time outta my day to upload pics on here. cause i'm lazy like that ^_^
*waves* hi fearless leader!
hotchkip @hotchkip left a comment for Sephiroth
Feb 26, 10 at 11:17am
Hey man! Are you gonna post your Naka photos? I saw you there and you took some pics of my costumes I think ^_^
Gavlock @gavlock left a comment for Sephiroth
Feb 26, 10 at 5:34am
Oh thanks dude, I hadn't realized and had you not said anything then I prrrooobably would have never realized it. So annoying that I always tend to miss those minor details...uh...more then one thing has gone horribly wrong for me because of that and yet I never seem to learn, oh well.
animegal252 @animegal252 left a comment for Sephiroth
Feb 25, 10 at 8:14pm
you can't help but LOVE jukefood...most important food group!!!
I hear ya. I'm just glad you had a good time at the cons ya been to lately. I can't wait for Sogen Con and Anime Iowa for this year. I just hope I don't get tagged w/ another lame red light photo ticket, in Souix Falls like last year. I didn't know about it until me and a friend of mine were already halfway to A.I., and my mom called me because it got mailed to her house! Talk about a WTF moment.
lol lucky....how was it? was the con good? do any cosplay? lol hope you had fun! take care!
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