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Sexy Zexy

36 year old Female
I'm a very easygoing person that enjoys trying new things or experinces with others. Anything Japan related is my obbsession that many can relate to. I go to 5-6 cons a year and go to random anime events every month.

Cosplay is my obsession and addiction that shapes and changes how I view the world. There are many times I meet amazing people at Anime cons but never come close to finding the right person or the person I meet lives too far away.

I don't believe in needless drama since that is a waste of time and effort for everyone involved.

I'm a people person and I love feedback from others physicaly or mentally.

One of the Proud members of the Neko Army.

I work overnights and go to school full time.

I'm a very physical person (touchy feely)

Feel free to Glomp me anyday