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Last online 2年弱 ago
Nov 23, 16 at 10:05am
Pfft.. Lame c; I'm kidding! Though I'm not really one for Pokemon. I prefer the very first seasons haha. I just prefer the old school animes I guess c:
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 23, 16 at 10:02am
Hmm... this makes a lot of sense too. It's not something people always think of, but it makes sense. Especially concerning relationships. I think that's probably why there are so many unhappy people in relationships these days. That anger bit makes sense too. But, I don't think it's as easy to turn a switch and make all of these changes to ones outlook on life. I feel like it would take time. Have you accomplished this yourself?
Nov 23, 16 at 9:54am
Hey! It's no worries! Thank you for accepting it c: I'm great thank you, yourself? :3
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 21, 16 at 7:39pm
Hmm... that actually honestly makes a lot of sense. I've never really thought about it that way, but it adds up. And I get why it's so hard to do. There's a base level of expectations that everyone has from other people in their lives no matter what we do. But if those expectations aren't met, it's just asking to be unhappy. If that's just the first part, what's the next part?? ^^
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 21, 16 at 6:36pm
Of course I'm a good girl ^^ I'm ready whenever you are ;P
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 21, 16 at 4:50pm
Haha no worries. I can wait patiently. But you sure do know how to keep a lady waiting ;P
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 20, 16 at 4:36pm
Ooooh enlightenment! Goodie ^^
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu His enlightenment comes from a flashlight muahaha
Hi ! I was wondering if we could be friends! :D
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 20, 16 at 3:06pm
Psh, yeah. 90% of the time I'm joking around here. Why be so serious when the people you're talking to aren't *shrugs* See? I told you I was a good student! Teach me your wisdom Sanfi-sensei! Please! ^^
maius @maius20 left a comment for Lisanthur
Nov 20, 16 at 2:44pm
I'm not being serious either ;P so no worries haha