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Last online 約2年 ago
I have no idea what you're talking about with the bodies and being whole but the beauty about being bros is you don't always have to understand what the fuck a bro is talking about to ... http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrsoxwzQPe1qjv99e.gif
May 06, 16 at 9:34am
Nuuu anyone but ezreal I love ezreal he has luxxxx
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Lisanthur
May 06, 16 at 9:30am
sanfi <3 http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/795/067/995.gif
http://media.animevice.com/uploads/3/38050/730261-bro_fist_poster_by_foxpaw_apprentice_d4ps292.jpg Always remember
We're just so awesome that a third spirit bro appears when we brofist http://img.memecdn.com/maximum-brofist_fb_2777841.jpg
That is exactly how I would go about it too!
lugexd @lugexd left a comment for Lisanthur
May 05, 16 at 5:31pm
Thanks, you're pretty cool yourself ^.^ And I am hoping it works out well too. :3 It'd be awesome for sure.
lugexd @lugexd left a comment for Lisanthur
May 05, 16 at 5:11pm
Thats pretty cool. And being able to say that, and show that you've built yourself up, making yourself stronger, really goes a long way. Its pretty damn cool. And I'm glad it gives others hope. But, in this case it may not lead to anything. Its a bit of a complicated situation ^.^;;
lugexd @lugexd left a comment for Lisanthur
May 05, 16 at 4:47pm
I can imagine that being pretty rough to live with. But I'm glad you're doing better. ^.^. And she is from MO ><
lugexd @lugexd left a comment for Lisanthur
May 05, 16 at 4:36pm
Well, I talked to her earlier about it and found out what was going on. She had good reason for disappearing xD And yeah, I have ADHD, Insomnia, RLS, Anxiety and Depression. e.e Not the best things in the world. Though, only two of which are sleeping disorders. Granted, Anxiety can be one... But yeah, the skyping was a lot of fun. Though I'm unsure how things will progress and such with the person. Its still nice to do. And I hope you find someone you can have those kinds of feelings for/with ^.^