pokeboy390 @pokeboy390
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pokeboy390 @pokeboy390
Hi your hot

OakMan @oakman
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OakMan @oakman
Hello :)

Akatsukiblast @akatsukiblast
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Akatsukiblast @akatsukiblast

gundamzero @gundamzero
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gundamzero @gundamzero
Ha there

phillaz @phillaz
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phillaz @phillaz
Hey there hows it goin,got any pastries on the go lol ?

Vash89 @vash89
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Vash89 @vash89
I miss it but doing my own thing is much easier. but I like a lot of technical music. meaning its difficulty is immense. dream theater is one of my favorites. and techno wise it is justice and daft punk as my favorites.

DeadAngel @deadangel
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DeadAngel @deadangel
hi there and
good morning

varus27 @varus27
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varus27 @varus27
Hey what's up? We should definitely talk!

jynn @jynn
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jynn @jynn
ohaii durr XD

wingzero87 @wingzero87
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wingzero87 @wingzero87
I very much enjoyed it but I didn't get that far because its a 4 year degree. I want to start back so bad but its just so expensive and I already owe money on student loans. I really like to draw so I definitely enjoyed it. I hope to go back soon but its not guarunteed. Being 26 and supporting myself makes hard to have time for school. Is this your first year of college? Has the semester already started for you?