Hello friendly stranger!
Would you like to know more about me?
I like anime (of course), video games, reading and just learning to be a better human.
Used to play tennis, field hockey but not so much anymore. Chess and horse riding were also my jam.
I have a weird sense of humour but a soft heart. That is the contrast that you can expect with me.

In my spare time I like to write...about anything actually. When I'm not writing I like to read, so it's pretty much an unending cycle, haha.
Youtube is really fun too, dontcha think? Ally Hills, Danny Padilla and the Funhaus crew are my favourite people on that.

I love music and I have a playlist that just seems to expand all the time.
Because of this passion I'm currently learning to play the piano.
Musicals are my soul food! Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, Anastasia, Waitress etc.
Gimme, gimme, gimme. ;8
According to the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator I'm an INFJ Personality, the so-called "Advocate". It sums me up pretty well in my opinion.
In the end I just hope to meet a lot of new and interesting people who share my interests.
You, whoever you are, I hope you have an excellent day!