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41 year old Male
Last online 4年以上 ago
Saudi Arabia
Kourosake @kour0sake left a comment for Bleh
Jan 03, 15 at 11:27pm
In a sense, I suppose that's true. But you gotta have like set-up Pokemon and stalling Pokemon to wait out your opponent. Although, that team is good, consider adding some Status-move Pokemon so even it up; a team based around full power can sometimes fail on its own. An electric type is always good though ^-^ Sorry for getting so serious about it ^^"
Jan 03, 15 at 10:52pm
Ah. So research. I have a team in mind. Is the goal to be able to counter all types. I'm guessing atleast xD My team will probably have Gliscor (Poison heal OP xD) - Greninja - Salamance - Metagross - Lucario and I dont know the last yet :3 I think that takes out 16 types, just missing water and flying (I think) :3 So...a electric pokemon?
Kourosake @kour0sake left a comment for Bleh
Jan 03, 15 at 10:18pm
Well I've had a lot of practice, so I'm kinda decent at it ^^'. Just gotta study it more and all that jazz so it works out. I don't prferably use legends, mainly just regular teams. But it's fine, I like talking about Pokemon with someone
Kourosake @kour0sake left a comment for Bleh
Jan 03, 15 at 9:36pm
Oh it's fine dude, I'm a bit bad at talking myself ^^". Indeed I have, and I play competitively as well. Fantasy Life, from the looks of it, seems to be like what you said, but it might be more exciting
Kourosake @kour0sake left a comment for Bleh
Jan 03, 15 at 8:53pm
Sadly, I have not played it yet. I've heard good things about it from a friend though, so it's worth playing. So I suppose it'd be okay to go and nag your brother to play lol
Kourosake @kour0sake left a comment for Bleh
Jan 03, 15 at 8:29pm
Yeah no problem dude ^-^
amaimai @amaimai left a comment for Bleh
Dec 31, 14 at 8:19pm
Omg really?! I have a few friends that like kpop xDmaybe you can try it out but not everyone likes it xD haha 'hip hip' and yah i listen to a wide variety too ^3^ what are your top fav songs? :)
amaimai @amaimai left a comment for Bleh
Dec 31, 14 at 7:58pm
I know ;^; my feels *sobs* haha and yah its good so far and aw haha xD yah it is kinda confusing right now even at this age but thats because I'm slow at things like that xD and i listen to all types of music ^^ from classical, hiphop r&b but i mainly listen to kpop xD what about you? :3
Dec 31, 14 at 3:10pm
Aww yeah, when she started comforting tatsumi Q.Q. I remember watching Death Note as a child xD Was a bit weird and I can hardly remember the ending and I still don't understand it. I should rewatch it some time xD
amaimai @amaimai left a comment for Bleh
Dec 31, 14 at 2:42pm
Omg sheele ;-; *cries niagar falls* i had a soft spot for her in the past ep because she was comforting Tataumi and aw ;---;;;and yahh i feel you but i still watched it and omg XD *sobs* me too! I we planning to watch that but i ended up watching death note and then I was gonna watch phsyco pass and yah xD so many series to finish so little time xD