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Last online 8年弱 ago
I used to read a series of books called Dragonlance when I was a kid and the illustrator for the cover art was really good and I was in love with this one elf girl on the cover of one of the books. (she was mostly naked and bathing in a river by the moonlight). We say bye to each other and leave heart symbols but that's it so far. We just started talking so I wasn't trying to push things too fast but we have lots in common with what we like.
If they can figure out how to wire our brains directly to a computer and simulate any sensation, like being in the matrix or SOA than we can be whoever we want. I have crazy naughty fantasies about being a girl but I'm not going into detail here, lol. I'm off work the next couple days, I'm so happy. Started talking to another girl recently, you probably saw her on post on my news feed (who is actually single :P). Anyway, I hope the weather is nice this weekend, I want to get out and do stuff.
I want to be a girl but would never bother with surgery. I'm slowly trying to figure out astral projection so I can learn to leave my body at will. Then I want to genetically engineer a body or at least clone the girl of my choice. I want to be 11 or 12 right before the onset of menstrus and stop the aging process. Astrally project my soul into the body and make it my own, lol. Yup, it's the only fate series I haven't seen. More comedy it looks like than drama. Lots of loli lesbian scenes. I want to be a loli lesbian when I grow up, lol.
Lol, didn't see your reply at first cause you posted it on your page and not mine. No, I would only get implants if I was transitioning and maybe not even then. I haven't seen Shimoneta but I'll look it up. I keep meaning to watch http://myanimelist.net/anime/14829/Fate_kaleid_liner_Prisma%E2%98%86Illya http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YQK1LwTSq34/VbgY-gJOqqI/AAAAAAAAB2Y/y92zam6bxJU/s640/kissing%2Billya.gif
Jun 04, 16 at 2:07am
What do you like about having a girlish figure? Would you ever get butt implants? I use to be able to suck in my gut enough that I could put my hands around my waist with my fingers touch. Can't do that shit anymore . It was fun to do it cause I'd creep my mom out. Have you watched Shimoneta?
I actually want a kind of girlish figure, small waist and big butt so I need to start doing squats. My ex told me I have feminine curves already. I need to finish http://myanimelist.net/anime/9379/Denpa_Onna_to_Seishun_Otoko and then I'm not sure yet. I want something intense. Maybe I'll finish watching http://myanimelist.net/anime/384/Gantz
Seen any good anime series lately?
Well I did date a girl once that had great big round breasts she loved to show off but her ass looked like deflated balloons. Certain exercises can help overall shape. I'm getting more active this summer as the weather warms and getting into a routine soon.
Weight looks better on women anyway because of where it distributes *cough* ass *cough*. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reTx5sqvVJ4
I had a Monster energy drink and two crispy crème donuts, not the best for my waistline but I'm awake, lol.