Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Ardyn R. Sylvestious @misakinagase
Yeah. I'll be going next year. It's a shame you can't go this year. I hope to see you next time.

Reiziru @reiziru
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Reiziru @reiziru

krodan @krodan
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
krodan @krodan
Hi sup, new here

blueboy85 @blueboy85
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Raven Kikuhara
blueboy85 @blueboy85
I'm good just thinking about maybe going to another anime con here soon.

blueboy85 @blueboy85
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
blueboy85 @blueboy85
Hello, how are you?

B.wild @chaosmagician22
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
B.wild @chaosmagician22
Omg is there a darkstalkers anime? If so i must find O.O

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Raven Kikuhara
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
I'm doing awesome~! ^w^

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Hi, how are you? :3

Red Masque @masque_of_red
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Red Masque @masque_of_red
Greetings raven

Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
left a comment for
Raven Kikuhara
Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
Pretty good, just texting, watching random anime, snacking. Just a usual night lol.
Sep 30-Oct 2
Sep 28-30
Apr 13-14
Sep 26-28