Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
It's Raven and I'm not sure yet

kaizokusam @kaizokusam
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Raven Kikuhara
kaizokusam @kaizokusam
Nice taven you gonna be going to this years Nashicon?

touka @touka
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Raven Kikuhara
touka @touka
I would like to trade places with Doraemon. He has so many cool gadgets and like to help others. =)
What was the first anime that got you hooked?

ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
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Raven Kikuhara
ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
Will you be there this year?

ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
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Raven Kikuhara
ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
It was adorable. :D

kaizokusam @kaizokusam
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Raven Kikuhara
kaizokusam @kaizokusam
ladyartecalis you and ravenjones met at a con, thats pretty cool. which one?

ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
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Raven Kikuhara
ladyartecalis @ladyartecalis
I remember a lot of people. I remember you specifically because I walked over to you and kind of made you dance. :)

touka @touka
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Raven Kikuhara
touka @touka
Why Tomoko?

Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
Raven Kikuhara @ravenjones
I see just got home

kaizokusam @kaizokusam
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Raven Kikuhara
kaizokusam @kaizokusam
Not bad just chilling :-)
Sep 30-Oct 2
Sep 28-30
Apr 13-14
Sep 26-28