I am a very layed back person which some people might take as either lazy or that I just don't care about anything, but in reality I care about ALOT of things. I take things seriously only when they need to be...that's just how I am so if you don't like it i'm sorry. In a way i'm still a little kid at heart :).I'm also a sucker for PIKACHU. The one thing that is the truest about me is that I put others BEFORE myself even though it does nothing but hurt ME in the end. I'm a natural born MARTYR I suppose =]. Another big thing about me is that I LOVE video games and always have since I was about 4 or 5 and I won't change that for anyone. Music is another thing I value alot, I could probably show a song for every one of my emotions and situations i've been through in my lifetime. I am the kind of guy that can EASILY be walked all over. I have this mindset of wanting a "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" and because of that, I'm a hopeless ROMANTIC. I love alot of genres of music from Techno to Punk Rock to Synth-Pop to some Country and the such, but I really HATE Rap music. I think the only acception to that is Hollywood Undead, 3OH!3. I absolutely love DANCING! I also LOVE to play volleyball, football and baseball. There was a time when I hung out with the wrong crowd but was never influenced by them..and because of that I have come across and obtained the GREATEST friends I could ever ask for. I believe life is way to short to spend it trying to impress people :/ Well thats all for that and to let you know -YOUR AWSOME-
Aug 28-30
Jan 29-31
Jun 3-6
Aug 13-15