Little Miss @littlemiss
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Little Miss @littlemiss
The only VNs I can remember watching at the moment are Narcissu and Redshift. :) Ooh, I am also in my second year of University. Cool, cool- I was studying Network Management but my course got cancelled at the beginning of my second year so I transferred to Computer Security and Forensics. :P Im still learning the Networking side, also- Linux. Which I am so happy with, haha. Sorry to hear about your first year. ;o How are you doing this year so far? Teaching aspect sounds awesome. :) I keep thinking of the prospect of becoming an assistant teacher or IT technician.. Push comes to shove then a receptionist! So many things to consider, haha. I was surprised to get a reply back from you so soon~! I just thought I would give it a shot though. :)

Little Miss @littlemiss
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Little Miss @littlemiss
Hi there! Fellow Computing student here who also adores that idea of Japan~! (Cultural and otherwise) ..Need to learn Japanese first though. :) Visual novels are brilliant.. :P Uhm, feel free to send a message any time? xD Hope your studies are alright! What year are you in and what is your specific~? (e.g web design, graphic design, AI, networking, etc) :3