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36 year old Male
Last online 約5年 ago
Jan 05, 11 at 10:14pm
I never realized how many otaku there were around me either until I started getting out in the world a bit more. Do you have an FYE store near you? Sometimes they have anime-themed parties where you can meet other otaku and play games and stuff.
lol XD I actually only have Facebook so I can keep up with people and pictures from conventions and other websites... I will spend all of my time from the second I get home from school to whenever my parents send me to bed, doing nothing but refreshing my DeviantART messages. My mom says if I do that too much, she's going to make me see a therapist XDD
Jan 04, 11 at 2:52pm
I live in a college town with several high schools around so there are a fair amount otaku around. The college is where the anime club is and I've met a lot of people through there. Tekko and Kuro are in Pittsburgh though they've had to move around a lot in the last few years. Setsu is in State College but this will be my first year there.
Thanks! I'm sure I will, it looks like a lot of fun... and a place where I can meet up with people I met at conventions ^^
iykagome @iymimi left a comment for otoburikid
Jan 03, 11 at 5:39pm
Hello. I so love all the games you play (except shooter. I suck at those).
Jan 03, 11 at 3:36pm
I'm planning on going to Setsucon in State College and Tekkoshocon in Pittsburgh this year with my anime club. We all went to KuroKiiro in Nov and it was AWESOME
Jan 03, 11 at 1:28am
I'm the same way. I'll buy the first 1 or 2 volumes of a manga or watch the first couple anime episodes but never get around the finishing the series.
niw i do lol you use aim
Jan 02, 11 at 12:43am
And I have a lot of guy otaku friends xD I play mainly fighters and action games and RPGs. How about you? I can see you like Sonic which I also like as well xD
Domo arigato for offering to help >_< I sent a message to your inbox ^_^
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