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36 year old Male
Last online 約5年 ago
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 28, 10 at 6:01am
Drawing and writing, do you post any of your work.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 27, 10 at 3:33pm
I see your pretty empathic with the artistic plight, so what your artistic or creative outlet.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 27, 10 at 1:23am
Well the article was basiclly say that the money being made in the anime idustry. Doesn't trickle down porportionally to the artist which kind of bummed mr out because some of my favorite are pretty much no names as far as industry reconization goes. Come on wouldn't bug you if your favorite manga Arthur was making less then you, yourself a comparitively talentless working stiff. Then you have to wonder what if some of these personal favorites are like J.R.R.Tolkien or Van Goth and only achieve true greatness after death and die failures.
BBerry @bberry left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 26, 10 at 10:59pm
message me her profile? maybe i can help
BBerry @bberry left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 26, 10 at 5:26pm
not really....i mean i guess i get called a dyke a lot and most girls avoid me.....you could put me in the group of "Social Outcast" in school, i mean if you think of how gay boys are singled out, its pretty much the same with lesbians except my parents think im bi..... i dread the day they realize the "Im Gay" flag on my facebook isnt a joke....
Setsuna @setsuna left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 26, 10 at 9:22am
I have to agree i am a playstation guy for life but as of right now the wii and ds are derstroying the market for hardcore gamers now as well.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 26, 10 at 8:38am
Yeah more power to the manga artist, because it's a sucky line of work. Most people aren't aware that most manga artist I japan and animator( the ones that draw what later become anime) only make minimum wage. I was reading this article the other day which basic put thier pay grade on the same scale as people employed by the food service industry. So until the hit it big, geting anime adaptation, with merchandising rights or popular enough to set there own rates, their at the same level as the working poor even though they may a have one or more seralize comics in print. Talk about your modern day starving artist.
BBerry @bberry left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 25, 10 at 10:26pm
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 25, 10 at 9:37pm
Well posser and late comers have they're place, once any portion of something hits the mainstream, it becomes publicly acceptable, so more power to the pikachu cultist and loyalist.
kurokame @kurokame left a comment for otoburikid
Jul 25, 10 at 8:57pm
Dragon ball naruto pokemon yugioh sailormoon, all those seem to feel like that these day everyone thinks they know them when for the most part there just late comer trying to push thier way to the front of the crowd.
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