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Last online 約9年 ago
Hi I love gore, seinen, romance, and most die hard inspirational anime/manga.
I'm also really big on reading books regardless of there origin , classic sci-fi and fantasy films keep me on the edge of my seat. I enjoy my days off with light exercise good food a couple beers and a plethora of nerdy activities. You don't have to be like me for me to like you ,as long as you can be honest regardless of the situation I will always listen and there's always the possibility we could be right for each other. I don't have a hero complex but I believe helping others every chance I get is an essential part of being human. allowing ourselves to display altruistic nature in situations that normally nobody else would is my specialty, of course family goes before others though so I'm not a good guy ,just one who knows what it's like to have to overcome lifes hardships alone.
Jul 2-5