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31 year old Female
Last online 13年弱 ago
Did you take a look at ALL of my Drawings? I hope you did because if you only took a look at a couple of my drawings then I think your conclusion wasn't all that fair because you're basing it on only a couple of drawings.
Feb 20, 11 at 10:31pm
I wish but I don't thin kI'd look good in any of it.
Bleh @ibsquishy left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 20, 11 at 10:27pm
hello there *wave*
Domino369 @domino369 left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 20, 11 at 6:58pm
If only you could make me something xD I don't knowf I really have that talent, but more over I don't really have the resources at the moment, the big one being time. Spent 11 am to 11 pm at NYU game club on Saturday...alright so it's not really busy xD
ShogTheEmo @shogtheemo left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 20, 11 at 5:25pm
~That's sad about the snow man thing ): But I been doing the same thing about life, you have to look at the good things to keep going (: I'm thinking about moving...But I don't know yet. I work all the time, and have money, but there noting to do around here, or anyone for that matter ): I want to get into cosplaying, but there no one around here thats into it. :/
start @vittorios left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 20, 11 at 5:13pm
well, if one thing's for sure, leaders can't be shy and quiet. you have to express yourself. show everyone who you are. you don't necessarily need to shout it, but you definately need to put yourself out there. no one in this world is insignificant, least of all, someone like you. you can't just start a cosplay group. you have to own it. put a bit of yourself in everything you do. there's a special something that makes you "you," and you have to show the world what that is.
Meta77 @meta77 left a comment for OtakuYudoku
Feb 20, 11 at 4:51pm
id love to see them ;3
Feb 20, 11 at 4:50pm
Soul Eater, one of my favorite animes. That awesome. XD
Feb 20, 11 at 3:01pm
I am super great! thank you for asking!
Is there a particular genre of anime you like better than others
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