I'm tall (6'4-5"), aggressive as a Kitten, and goofy as hell. I'm a very laid back person and don't show emotion too much (Though I'm usually grinning).
I'm smarter than I put off, I just don't show it all the time. I'm ridiculously polite most of the time and pretty hard to anger.
I used to watch Anime a lot more than I do now, but I've always wanted to go to an Anime con if I ever got the chance :\
I love the Touhou games and am a big part of the fandom. If anyone wants to play a round of th12.3 (HisouTensoku) with me feel free to hit me up with an IM. I'm not anything amazing, but I'm better than your average player.
Games = <3
Video games are my life. At least until I get into college and get a good job. (I'm applying, don't think I'm a lazy bum or anything!)