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Awkwardly Liz

Last online 約6年 ago
Sep 15, 14 at 1:11pm
Hey! How are you doing?
Sorry for the late reply ^^; But lately I've been watching a series called Date a Live and it's actually kinda cool so far :) That's cool then haha xD It's the same thing here to be honest with you because I'd say to myself that i'll watch a specific series but then get distracted by another one that looks just as good XD
Sep 14, 14 at 8:28pm
You're welcome :)
Sep 14, 14 at 8:25pm
Hi, yesssss cheesecake OuO I'll eat like 20 of those if I can. Thankyou :3 what's your favorite type cheesecake? or any cake 030
And sorry for late reply, i have been a little busy these past few days XD
You know how wild card and the fool arcana are 2 seperate things? The fool arcana serves as a prerequisit to unlocking the wild card because the number of the fool arcana. Its empty, but filled with infinite possibilities. I have not signed a contract with igor to fully unlock my pontential so no limitless possibilities for me. XD yeah you are pretty good at figuring out 3rd favorite options lol. But mara had its uses in p4 the first time around XD dont worry about not having recent systems. It just means more money in your pocket hehe. Oh my goodness where were you years ago when i played all these games? I would have loved to have a friend like you. XD
Hug @hugasa left a comment for Awkwardly Liz
Sep 13, 14 at 10:46pm
kill la kill was awesome
cicadasis @cicadasis left a comment for Awkwardly Liz
Sep 13, 14 at 9:07pm
Yay! Awesome! :D If you need any help I'd be happy to lend you some! That's pretty handy that the arrows are endless! Definitely a plus, well that and being able to take down enemies from afar. I guess that's a downside to large weapons, they do a fair amount of damage but they kind of take forever to charge up or reload again...
Sep 13, 14 at 6:29pm
I see. I hope you have fun there! And someday, we'll go on a dungeon together!
ShinyTaiga @lulu left a comment for Awkwardly Liz
Sep 13, 14 at 6:27pm
Well it's more of a top 10 but here it is (in no particular order) Dragon Ball (all) Sailor Moon Rurouni Kenshin Yu Yu Hakusho Code Geass Sakura Wars (this is my favorite ever games and all) Digimon Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) Yu-Gi-Oh Space Dandy