L @xxx
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Erroneous Grammarian
L @xxx

Eriesea @muffintart
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Erroneous Grammarian
Eriesea @muffintart
Oh nice! Ive never volunteered at a con before but every year I always consider it. XD This year though Im getting an artist alley table. Im really excited about that.

serah2012 @serah2012
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Erroneous Grammarian
serah2012 @serah2012
Nice anime list

Eriesea @muffintart
left a comment for
Erroneous Grammarian
Eriesea @muffintart
Ive been good! How about you?

Eriesea @muffintart
left a comment for
Erroneous Grammarian
Eriesea @muffintart
No problem!~

axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
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Erroneous Grammarian
axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
Hi fellow Texas

Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Turns out I might be homeless in a month or two. Beautiful.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Erroneous Grammarian
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Hello, judging by your friends list, you've been here awhile. However I don't think I've seen you around in a long time and I don't recall glancing at your profile before. Saw you post on the fashion thread. I tend to be a big fan of alternative fashion/subculture, particularly goth, cybergoth, visual kei, metal, steampunk, etc. so I tend to notice people with similar interests. I think I'm the only one in this tiny coastal retirement town with Tripp pants just as an example of how boring it is where I'm currently living. I didn't exactly intend to come here to live, just visiting family. I originally intended to end up in Portland, OR but have decided I prefer warmer and sunnier weather (I like to travel). I'm only staying till I save up some money this summer when I get more work hours. Anyway, You seem like a creative and interesting person, I would like to get to know you. Feel free to ask me anything, I'm very open. My name is Joshua btw. Take care, later.

Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
It was sunny outside yesterday, so I immediately threw on a pair of boots and braved my way to the playground.

Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
During my recent YouTube travels, I inadvertently resurrected my K-stuff obsession of yore. Now I'm watching KDramas, KPop MVs and restocking my wardrobe with colorful things again. HALP.
Dec 30-Jan 1
Volunteer. Aug 10-12
Staff. Aug 16-18
Staff. Nov 1-3