Seen and loved these anime: Dragon ball franchise, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Akame Ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Fate\Stay Night, SAO franchise, Avatar franchise, Magi franchise, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, and more...
As you can tell im greatly interested in Fighting\Fantasy anime.
Hobbies: Training (Fighting), Gaming, watching anime and making videos for youtube.
Very straightforward.
Non-drinker and smoker.
Right now studying at home and attending to cooking school.
Never had a date...
As you can tell im greatly interested in Fighting\Fantasy anime.
Hobbies: Training (Fighting), Gaming, watching anime and making videos for youtube.
Very straightforward.
Non-drinker and smoker.
Right now studying at home and attending to cooking school.
Never had a date...