My name is Jess. So I'm a part-time otaku. I'm a full-time college student in education and I balance two jobs while doing it all. I primarily teach high school level English language arts. I love what I do as a teacher and I love learning (c'mon, y'all should have figured I was a nerd by now). It's my passion to travel, which is just one of the reasons I like going to cons so much!
My interests are primarily video games (game grumps is my life), anime, manga, food, and creating things. I like being active and going to places, but at the end of the day I need to "introvert" so to speak and watch some Netflix or crunchyroll. I hope we can get to know each other :)
My interests are primarily video games (game grumps is my life), anime, manga, food, and creating things. I like being active and going to places, but at the end of the day I need to "introvert" so to speak and watch some Netflix or crunchyroll. I hope we can get to know each other :)