Nishmo @nishmo
Nishmo @nishmo
As we approach Valentine's Day, make sure you take some time away from self-loathing or hating a fictitious idea that is widely believed and thus cultivated as a "holiday" to actually appreciate people in your life. You always should do it regardless, but Valentine's Day acts as a reminder that we need to care about the people who have chosen to be part of our lives. Whether you think yourself annoying to them or not, they still choose to be a part of your life and you should just let them know that you care.
So tell your friends you're grateful you have them, tell your parents if you're still in contact with them that you love them, and let people around you know how special they are to you. Who knows, you may actually make their day a million times better and make them do the same thing to others.
sushie @sushie
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sushie @sushie
That Meat so thicc and juisey R I C A R D O (っ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ς)
sushie @sushie
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sushie @sushie
Still looks good though. It made me hungry during the time. I'm like dayum!
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup That's what I had for dinner! But I pulled it off the bone so it was more lady like since I was being....watched..... xD
sushie @sushie
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sushie @sushie
Bruh that Tarkeey looks so goood!
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
Pineapple on pizza is taboo. It doesn't even taste like pizza anymore after that. But tomato sause and ketchup are at least derived from the same fruit.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
Think I'm... Actually gonna try that. Now I'm curious.
Nishmo @nishmo
Nishmo @nishmo
Redid my bio to include more stuff about me, hopefully it's enough now
Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
i like your profile pic
Mar 25-27
Mar 31-Apr 2
Mar 30-Apr 1
Apr 19-21