Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
Was in a quiet area watching One Punch Man...
Busted out laughing so loud they complained.
Whatever... they don't get it.
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
Sometimes they need a hug
Sometimes they need a punch to the face
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
Made the dumb decision to play a DDR game in pantyhose...
remus56 @remus56
left a comment for
remus56 @remus56
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
My cousin picked up my DeathStroke beanie and yelled "OMG DEADPOOL"
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
Had high expectations for the release of Kim Wu for KI.. I'm just a little disappointed
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
YEEESSS Finally got my Nene to the max out level~!!!!
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
-Wants to work on cosplay-
-Would rather play games-
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
You ever seen those animes that you instantly regret watching?...
Neneai @neneai
Neneai @neneai
Neko ni naritari~