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31 year old Male
Last online 10年以上 ago
Wallasey, United Kingdom
I've had so many pets. Currently I only have my dog and my cat (I love them dearly) x3 my pup and I used to having matching maid's outfits. She hated me when I put it on her. I thought it was cute. I miss my rat and my snake though.
^^ Gotcha boss. I think being a bat would be cool too. I mean I don't like bat's in real life - just going off of this site. Currently I'm watching my cat act like a goof. Very amusing.
LMAO it isn't about the size. It's about everything. Your outlook on life and how you go about living it. Tell me, do you see yourself as a predator? A team player (most of the time there is no "lone wolf")? What about a drive to get things done on time? xD Wolves are generally bossy and dominating but they are loyal to the core.
Name is Maura.
mwahaha but what you dont know is I'm actually from the planet zorkon born and raised to fool humans with the illusion that I am on of them. ... kinda like battlestar galactica.... only your planet isn't destroyed and.... I'm not a robot... thing. know what nevermind. yes I am a foolish non-threatening homosapien. lol Nice to meat you too. :)
Personally ^^ I like rodents a lot more. I think they are very cute (totally love rats). Does the description fit is the question
hello fellow species. :)
^^ nah if I choose I'd totally be a fox. My personality just matches with a porcupine the most I think. http://animalinyou.com/profile.php?a=porcupine this matches me almost perfectly.
inuwrath @inuwrath left a comment for mroneill1000
Sep 15, 13 at 7:31pm
Wow.. People in England don't seem very nice if that's how they act to something like that xD. Aah I'll be fine I suppose it can't be that hard
dont do it i had a mate who thought of that he got picked on,i ended up being his only mate.