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Last online 7年以上 ago
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23 left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 30, 15 at 1:06pm
More like work/vaca theres a summer job offer in cocoa beach florida i'll probably do that XD. Yes there uber cute I prefer the westie pups though (West Highland White terrier).
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 29, 15 at 9:28am
Wow, you've been quite busy in getting those numbers down. I've just watched episode 4 of Angel Beats. That's the baseball competition one. The music is really good in the show and I like the comedic interactions between the cast of characters. A show that really surprised me. What shows are you currently watching?
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23 left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 28, 15 at 8:01pm
Yess that and time goes by so fast. Ah nothing really watching a few new anime here and there, taking care of a lovely chihuahua, trying to enjoy summer vaca an yet havent been on vaca yet. Ah???? No nothing very exciting. And thanxies avi, rhio love her dark side. &lt;3
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 28, 15 at 9:07am
Thank you for your concern MonjaChan. I'll be sure to relax now and again. Aside from work I've been watching Angel Beats. The appearance of the show made me think it will be an usual slice of life high school drama. The first couple of episodes pleasantly surprised me though and looks to be an interesting series. Have you been watching anything lately?
Andrewkun @andrewkun left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 28, 15 at 2:58am
Just dropping in to say hi Monja http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/297/a/b/chibi_link_skydive_by_timtam13-d5isnh9.gif
Rin @miarin left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 27, 15 at 3:36pm
no idea wifey gomen and ily &lt;3 https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-WvIZS39809Y/VN-f-MOMABI/AAAAAAAAOfw/TFqHMkhiz2k/w500-h283/tumblr_m8xrhiL6bu1r231xw.gif
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23 left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 26, 15 at 2:44pm
Yes actually XD although I kept finding it hard to log off.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 26, 15 at 9:10am
It's good to finally meet you too MonjaChan although we've known of each other's existence for a while now. I'm just trying to relax now after a busy period of work, thank you for asking. How are you doing.
Rin @miarin left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 25, 15 at 1:02pm
nya &lt;3 http://31.media.tumblr.com/9508b28c4dfbd1ef6466d35d810f9d11/tumblr_inline_nm80nnd8qg1tqhqth.gif
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for ZeldaChan
May 25, 15 at 8:23am
Hello MonjaChan! Thanks for accepting my friend request.