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Last online 7年以上 ago
baztard @baztard left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 22, 13 at 12:59am
the first season showed the conection humans and pokemon and as for ash and misty i think the writers have to make ash look older and not the "mind of a 14 year old and the body of a 10 year old", i like the episode they showed at Saturday as he teaching the girl how to battle with pokemon its like when brock and misty was teaching him and for my surprise ash mait to the top 8 trainers but the way the loses its so lame like sure they beat him but don't loss on the next battle or atleast me it like when he was in johto that he made it to the finals but lost cuz the guy had blaziken.....see the BS it allways something
ZENFudo @zenfudo left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 22, 13 at 12:35am
Hello Monja!
meatstakk @meatstakk left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 21, 13 at 7:47pm
Yeah, just two small things that prevents most people from doing anything. BUT I HAVE A DREAM AND PASSION AND ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD! All I need to do is learn the language and I'm good to go lol. One day we'll make it there... One day~ <3
sdjose1991 @sdjose1991 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 19, 13 at 9:04pm
i been watching it for two years now mainly cuz i have school work to do which doesnt let c the new episodes how about
meatstakk @meatstakk left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 19, 13 at 9:02pm
Meh, I guess. Idk, it just seems like it'd be an interesting place to explore. At least to me it does :3 Pretty much going anywhere overseas would be fun for me, more importantly over the Pacific lol. 'Murica is whatever, I'd just like to see other places when I one day have the time/money :3
Apr 19, 13 at 8:09pm
Cool, really cool song :) How have you been doing?
Thomas. @kirito_kunn left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 17, 13 at 3:34pm
Yea, we do lack that in Scandinavia indeed. But hey, that's not all. Have you heard about the lockout in Denmark? My exams are soon and I have like 5 school hours a week. Nicely done HELLE THORNING. :(
talamar @talamar left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 16, 13 at 6:41pm
Mojna Monja Monja! Hows My Favorite Norwegian Otaku? What have ya been up to? Me I just been Killing time watching my Pile of Anime I bought at SC rofl.. Still recovering from it hehe. So anything new on your radar?
sdjose1991 @sdjose1991 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 16, 13 at 3:08pm
hahahah am in episode 113 eng sub right now
baztard @baztard left a comment for ZeldaChan
Apr 16, 13 at 11:07am
*hugs you and crys with you* your not childess,one day are prayers will be answered ash will go back to misty,am rewatching pokemon fromepisode 1 and for god ash has growned well mently the ash from the first episode was and idiot to heart and now he knows what hes doing.....but he keeps losing the pokemon league and the reason evolve your pokemon ash allways get the 3 starter of every region well not in hoem and sinnoh but come on evolve your snivy,oshawott and tepig if there evolved tothere final form youl be unstoppable and that's not talking about his other starters from kanto"the original 3"and the johto!