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Last online 7年以上 ago
sdjose1991 @sdjose1991 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 21, 13 at 12:35pm
yea those r good anime the one i really liked out of the two was clannad cuz its real life
xalitha @xalitha left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 21, 13 at 8:50am
^^ yea ikr <3 they're soooo kawaii ^^ ~nyaa
lol **slaps forehead "durr"** :) adding it to my thingy list, it's a great way for me to keep track of the animes I plan to watch the amount of times I've planned to watch something but forgotten about it ^_^ Noo you put them at the back with a separate wing XD no probs :) Think in real life Sanji's idol would be hugh hefner lol .. How you been, I did the disappearing act this time, been so hectic at work haven't been able to get on, and putting a new comp together at home, so can't get on at night at the moe :)
CrownCross @alucard317 left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 21, 13 at 12:57am
Hi. Monja-chan. How are you? Sorry for late reply. Yeah I realy realy liked it. So now I hate the ones ho decided to stop the show. ( hit the produsior) DN Angel huh. Sorry but just 1 ep. :)
baztard @baztard left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 20, 13 at 10:31pm
lol well watch bleach and naruto there getting good on the manga,i cant tell you more cuz I don't read much manga only does 2 I only watch anime on toonami XD
Mar 20, 13 at 8:31pm
I'm dying x.x IM DYING i went for a facial and i feels asleeeep zzzzzzz and re wawtching some dramas ever heard of rolling love its so cute
meatstakk @meatstakk left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 20, 13 at 7:06pm
Really? Huh... I think I'd have to stop playing SS and start up TP then :3 Oh yeah, I started up Welcome to the NHK! again :3
Yu @metaljester left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 20, 13 at 6:26pm
Hello monjachan how have you been
baztard @baztard left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 20, 13 at 12:34pm
lol whats the name of the con,here the annual con its called comic con but now the big one some major stars like this year the green ranger tommy is coming
talamar @talamar left a comment for ZeldaChan
Mar 19, 13 at 11:59pm
How have you been. Has been a lil while? What have you been up to? Any new shows catchin your eye? I am watching alotta romantic comedies lately.