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Last online 7年以上 ago
Dang are they still little or they getting big already? And yeah it definitely can especially if your watching real little kids lol
That's cool how was babysitting, lol how many kittens did it have? Thank you very much and me too she actually is gona go get checked out to make sure she's ok tomorrow. Ok I added it to my contacts :D and ok I'll send you one real quick.:)
Thanks for adding me :), what email of yours do you want me to put in my contacts. And cool both are fine with me too. And just been helping my mom for the day since she hasn't been feeling well the past few days. How about yourself Monja-san?
Sweet glad you enjoyed talking as well. :D
my email is superotakufreak92@yahoo.com. and since you haven't we can still talk on here if you want or one of the other things you mentioned that you have
It's been a blast talking to you :D
Yeah same here cus it's pretty late here lol and yeah do you want to keep chatting on here later or you want my email or something instead
Yeah he really didn't want to die young I know I wouldn't if I were him lol. haha yeah it did look pretty nasty looking
Yeah I understand that and like her too but I think Riko can be really cute especially when she tries to cook. Yeah same here for both lol
No I actually think its awesome that your into ecchi lol and I totally agree with you that it is . And yeah it's cute but honestly they had the one girl I forget the name pee too many times lol. and I really liked the theme songs especially the ED song it was really good. I actually prefer Riko I think she's cuter and sexier lol