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Kraft vas Si'yah

37 year old Male
Last online 約1年 ago
Vantaa, Finland
Aug 31, 18 at 4:26pm
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft The struggle is real. Great history of tough times.
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Aug 30, 18 at 4:45pm
https://media.giphy.com/media/vt417IQ6XEaha/source.gif It's almost weekend~
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Yeah. The goal is near.
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Aug 30, 18 at 7:45am
Is everything okay?
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Have been a bit of a grey mood week + had an annoying moment a few days ago but it's ok. Just waiting for weeked to get my mind of things etc. How about you. Things going well?
Aug 27, 18 at 9:05pm
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Drunken stupor I tell you.
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Aug 27, 18 at 7:02pm
https://youtu.be/axT_RojfaRs https://youtu.be/hGbja6xxM2w This game is so sad...
Lynes @lynesis Have you heard of this game called Drakengard 3? It was made by the creator of Nier and its storyline is full of heavy and sadness.
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Have heard about the game but the character design with the flower on the eye did not make me interested + no way of playing the game so had no real reason to check it out.
. @pk_zero left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Aug 27, 18 at 12:11pm
This account has been suspended.
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Nope. It's a combo from the my first names first letter + the name from character in my profile picture: Kraft Lawrence. And yes, I'm not good at making names for my profiles or characters in games ^^
. @pk_zero oooh that makes sense lol I'm the worse at names I come up with the stupidest names. Examples include I named my chao in sonic advenure 2 "Trindor" (lol such a dumb name) usually i stick with my nickname since it makes it easier. The only decent name for game characters i made up is Cyrus, that name always sounded like an adventurer to me that has a lot of room to go, plus it has the greek mythology hero vibe. (i think I fused Cypress and Tiberius to Cyrus) A stupid rpg maker game I made a long time ago the last bad guy was named Gyres. Lol I still wish to make it into a full fledge game. It was basically an idea I got from playing Earthbound about fusing the whole strength, wisdom, mind tri-forcish thing. But what if people fused body and mind or wisdom and strength, then you would make new forces of nature. It was basically a game about a being that achieved balance with all 3 and disappeared from the world living in another plane of existance because he was balanced. And the different races each were attuned to a different force (got the idea from skies of arcadia how each civilization was attuned to a different moon color. I think golden sun did it too but i got this idea independetly from other rpgs.) there were also powerful weapons that were attuned to the different forces of widsom, power, and mind and some allowed you to create things out of nothing with your imagination if your nature attuned to the mind or made you invinincible if you were attuned to power. But each had a ctach because power required strong will so if the user of the weapon loses their will the weapon would reject them and all the damage they recieved while invin cible would all be recieved at once. It was pretty cool but I can't draw so i never made it lol.
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Well that is more creativity than I can come up with normally in anything. For examble my other profile names have been Auron from Final Fantasy X and CrimW which came from a character in .Hack//Sign series I just added a letter to the end. So mostly choosing a favorite characters name. Other times I might look up for Celtic, Gaelic, Norse etc names that might have some kind of meaning / association. But I don't really come up with any original names or some really deep meaning.
Aug 27, 18 at 2:29am
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Aug 25, 18 at 1:37pm
https://youtu.be/XxQ_hm7bUtE https://youtu.be/uFTXSp1MYr4 I remember these songs from series.hack//Sign. On TV, it had like so much reruns :( See-Saw sound so nice~
Aug 24, 18 at 6:59am
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft As a natural weapon yeah. Whipping your or someone elses back + chest in a 80+ heat with high moisture. Result can resemble torture :)
Bish Lasagna @hakutaku 80+heat??? really??
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Well +80C sauna and thats me being nice. Normally people go for 90-100C with those.