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Kraft vas Si'yah

38 year old Male
Last online 1年以上 ago
Vantaa, Finland
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 17, 18 at 4:42pm
Your right! Don't worry about it. I was probably just too absorbed at the time... I get influenced a little too much :) Just wanted to share a song with you. I don't even know why I chose the first song to be honest. I think the Second one is okay because I like T.M Revolution~ Maybe I just liked the song. It's been pretty warm here as well. Thankfully it's going to go down a bit by the end of this week(some rains). I never heard of VR Anime before! That sounds very interesting and wonder how that would look like with or without VR setup. Really don't worry about the song. I hope your day goes well as well.
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Hopefully the rains do come. Some rains and thunder has been forecasted in here for friday-saturday so crossing my fingers that it is accurate. Both songs were great so thank you for those. Was more referring to the one that you posted on you're wall (so to say) that had the english translation. Very good sounding song but started thinking as the lyrics were a bit, you know. Hence my message. Hope things are going well and all. Just wanted to say that. Sorry if I was over analysing things, I just tend to do that at times.
Lynes @lynesis Don't worry about it! :)
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 17, 18 at 5:58am
https://youtu.be/5CjA4W6BJeU I hope your week goes well. https://youtu.be/MQrYdY2gbD8
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 15, 18 at 10:51am
(・ω< )★
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Is my group channeling something there or what? ^^
Lishifu @hakutaku ouija board
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/09/a2/9f/09a29f923467b66b086e51a57fce9bb1--manga-to-read-manga-books.jpg Or the moment when you get damn confused on which direction you should be reading any comics at all, especially when someone decides to mirror the pages of a manga.
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 15, 18 at 3:51am
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 14, 18 at 11:00am
Hi MKraft, how's your break so far? I have read the Arifureta and it sure picked up really fast! MC just goes through so much in the beginning. During the phase where he starts becoming powerful, it felt like I was reading Tokyo Ghoul all over again. Have you ever read or watched anime/manga called Tokyo Ghoul? Anyway, How far have you read so far? The online manga version has like 23 chapters which I caught up pretty quickly. The main character sure remind me of Kaneki Ken with his transformation. https://pm1.narvii.com/6883/48da772507f567359e6197bc95742cf783b4bac9r1-384-384v2_00.jpg I hope your days going okay. https://youtu.be/eg65SbqmT0s
Lynes @lynesis aughh I am failing horribly at posting today...
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 12, 18 at 9:06pm
Ended up being a victim of a onion ninja attack just now when watching a movie.
Lynes @lynesis What movie was it?
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft No Game No Life: Zero
Lynes @lynesis That was a really good movie! It was satisfying connecting the dot between the series and the movie. I cried too, no worries <:3
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Yeah. I rarely feel like that but there are certain series/movies that just hit the right way and damn.
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jul 11, 18 at 1:37am
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft Yeah that's pretty much how things have worked for long while now. Recently though there have been news in here that it might be cheaper to go to straight to Latvia to buy the alcohol ank skip Estonia. Not sure if people do that but the amount of alcohol buying trips to Estonia have gone down.