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Kraft vas Si'yah

38 year old Male
Last online 1年以上 ago
Vantaa, Finland
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 08, 18 at 8:48am
Hi MKraft, hows your week going for you? It's almost weekend ~ I don't think it's odd to have sauna regularly or have it readily available everywhere. It can be very healthy as it can cleanse your body and even strengthen it. In fact, I should too consider putting it into my lifestyle sometimes to help my body out a bit. However...I may not be comfortable hanging out with strangers naked/semi-naked since I am not used to something like that. I think in Korea, they also go to a large sauna(Jjimjilbang)/bathhouse place that people go in there very frequently as well. Since I've lived most of my life in Canada, I haven't seen much of that in here. But it comes out in Kdrama or variety show frequently. https://youtu.be/k70xBg8en-4 There's also Bulgama (kiln sauna) in Korean spa where they use pinewood with an enclosure made out of clay. I believe it goes super hot like how you like the temperature for a sauna and have a unique pine smell from the wood. Since Sauna can be a big part of Finland, I wonder if there is a Korean style sauna in there as well. I hope your doing okay :)
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 08, 18 at 2:27am
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 07, 18 at 10:16am
1.https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/87d788b2ly1fryfb1jislj20qo0qojys.jpg Possibly you don't exist (┌゚д゚)┌. I noticed the correction of that picture you made (・ェ-)..In summer, the Finns sweat.. Not really, you Finns also have Nokia. 2.Interesting and positive facts about China ꒰⁎❛⃘ͫ ⍘⃘ ❛⃘ͫ⁎꒱.China managed to feed 20% of the world population with 7% of the world land.Most Chinese people don't take religion seriously. Abortion is totally acceptable; Chinese culture has never died; Problematic topics? for example?
Chocopyro @chocopyro I think his value just shot up to "Cryptid" level.
. @pk_zero left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 06, 18 at 11:29am
This account has been suspended.
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 05, 18 at 4:24pm
. @pk_zero left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 05, 18 at 11:35am
This account has been suspended.
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 05, 18 at 3:23am
Lynes @lynesis left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 04, 18 at 3:25pm
https://youtu.be/7RnLBsSi9UI 2:45 Burger King Sauna! For me, I only found a sauna in some homes, hotel, spa and a large fitness centre while living in Canada. I have probably been to a sauna less than 10 times in my lifetime. Do people in Finland or yourself usually use it every day?
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 03, 18 at 3:10pm
(๑•̀㉨•́ฅ✧ ...
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Kraft vas Si'yah
Jun 03, 18 at 3:05pm
I know your language is quite different from other languages used in Europe...Uralic language...How much time will it take an ordinary Hungarian major whose native language is Finnish to use Hungarian fluently? This language is also uralic if my memory doesn't fail me...How about Estonian? Is it easier than Hungarian to Finns? A few years ago, I came across a Korean major whose native language was English tried to learn Finnish...Are there any similarities between Korean/Japanese and Finnish? Which English do your people prefer? British English? American English? Or ? Is the written language of Finnish truly greatly different from its verbal language?
Lishifu @hakutaku ....I found questions I asked were too broad...┐( ‾᷅㉨‾᷅ )┌....