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28 year old Female
Last online 1年以上 ago
Home, Sweden
Jun 21, 17 at 4:53pm
You could have a statuette of a golden hamburger, how about that? Cathorns : O
Jun 21, 17 at 3:49pm
" I will have an Maxi please" *Gives hamburger. "THar ya go!" Not handsome? Oh, hoho, just wait till you've seen it. If you look at it that way, cats are sort of like demons, so if you got a pet cat you're sort of a warlock : O
Jun 21, 17 at 3:21pm
Apparently it was an Oscar (what, do they just invent prizes and then give them random names? "Here, have an Olle!"(of course the name's got reasons but why would I look that up when I can look at series of drawn images of people yelling at eachother in a language I only understand some very few words of?)) and he got it in The Revenant. Where (Spoilers?) his role isn't focused on his looks. That's the charm of kitties, they're like mischiveous fairies: pretty to look at and cute but also plotting on the best way to take down the coffe table lamp. Do you have any pictures of your cat? : o
Jun 21, 17 at 10:00am
No wonder there were such jokes about him never getting an Emmy or whatever the award was. Well get to it then, you don't want Leo to be disappointed there are movies he's made that you haven't seen, do you? : ( https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F600x315%2F6d%2F1d%2F30%2F6d1d302ec94d6e581babe6a7a91b1f05.jpg&f=1 because kitties shouldn't behave all the time >:3
Jun 20, 17 at 5:10pm
How many has he starred in? o.0 I've seen... the Shakespiere one, where he rocked the awesome middle-parted hair, lol. And Titanic and some point. OMGZ, will you adopt me then? I'd be totally nice... well... part of the time!
Jun 20, 17 at 4:54pm
If they're talking with a thick accent you can't understand then it might be pretty annoying lol. Otherwise I don't really have any problem with it. I tend to have different things show up in different languages myself so : ] Happy cat pretending to be cuddly before striking with claws and teeth :3
Jun 20, 17 at 4:47pm
Yas. But a BRUTAL Dicaprio. You'll hopefully know what I mean you see it. That frickin' movie is brutal lol.
Jun 20, 17 at 4:44pm
Tell me if you actually watch it lol. Well I usually shift between it. Har pratat flera gånger med en som skiftade mitt i meningar mellan English och Svenska, så jag är van vid det : D Yay, head pats \(^-^)/
Jun 20, 17 at 4:28pm
OMGZ, watch THe Revenant and say that again about bears D : And no, never. Shhh, don't mention it, I once stopped chatting with someone because we found out we were from the same country and so started to chat in the national language of that unmentioned country, and it wasn't the same as chatting in English. It was sad : ( Now I iz sad cat, thinking about it. Happy hardcore to the rescue!
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