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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 8:01pm
haha i imagine your friends flipping out when you wont stop apologizing. @-@ so tiny, thats adorable. you have to forgive me i just have a love for all things that are short and cute. you should see me whenever i visit my grandma, ever since i outgrew her she has been so short compared to me, and i fangirl on the inside. TwT even you think so, i was kinda wondering how you knew i looked young but i dont think you're a creeper. i mean i did post that where everyone else could see. the fact that your parachute could malfunction on you DX if i ever skydive, it will be when im old and lived a long life already. i think it would be cool too. yeah i was planning to go to a local one back when i lived at jacksonville but they closed the place where they held concerts and i was never able to go. if i had a friend that was into that though i would go with them. oh umm i listen to anything except country but my fav genres are metal/rock. hmmm depends i never really though about what i would cosplay as. oh well i've been on dates and held hands, but never anything like what i mentioned earlier. you know i just never got the chance to watch anime with someone (mainly cuz the girl i dated before didnt like anime) and its fine...you can ask me anything i dont really mind.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 7:04pm
well whenever im nervous you would get to see it (pretty much whenever im talking to anyone im not familiar with) haha do you even apologize for apologizing so much? that would be funny to see im sure you can do it, by the time you get your own class you'll be a pro. how tall are you? you make it sound like your tiny. im around 6 ft. yeah you do look young, almost like a teenager. im the same way XD i look like 3 years younger than i am. well i'd like to try sky diving lmao but i feel like i would be too chicken to actually jump out of a plane. i like traveling so there is that, i'd like to try going to a concert (TwT i've never had anyone who like the same bands as me, and i wouldnt want to go alone XD thats no fun) go to a convention, try out cosplaying. then there are couple stuff like playing games together and watching anime together. well currently no, but i come across them some times. like at the mall, online, stuff like that.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 5:32pm
TwT its horrible XD hmmm well i mean your not the only one who does that, alot of people cant seem to stop apologizing. i always feel bad when someone apologizes im like "no no no you dont have to apologize to me, its fine" awwwww QAQ that must be overwhelming. try to hang in there, im sure you'll get control over them soon enough. i got a new teacher the last semester of highschool. she had a hard time getting control over the class cuz her voice was so soft and she didnt seem serious enough. almost like she was scared or something. im always used to say that this teacher might quit >.> they were pretty bad in there. they would run around the class, throw pencils and even once some kids hit this kid in the head with a shoe. thanks ^-^ yeah its a big commitment, but it cant be so bad right? im not gonna be like overseas shooting people and stuff ^^; not even i think i could do that. but yeah life moves really fast >.> there are a ton of things i actually wanna do in my lifetime. like snow boarding (i've never tried it, let alone seen snow) i wanna try scuba diving, i wanna visit japan one day, ride the biggest roller coaster there is XD i got a long list oh thats good to know lol i'll try to keep it as easy to understand as i can. i guess you could say im the same as well. when you speak to people who clearly never had english as their first language things are always like a puzzle
Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 5:13pm
Sleepy. Rainy sunday. Tea weather.
Jelly-Senpai @ryutsukun left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 4:35pm
How are you today?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 29, 17 at 4:08pm
yes i would like say a random sentence and end it with "i dont know" well i mean apologizing isnt so bad. apologizing for every little thing is sorta cute XD thats just me though haha i was in highschool recently so i guess i kind of have an idea what you mean. kids in highscool are sometimes disrespectful and try to butt heads with you. and yeah thats sort of what i meant. some kids know their parents wont care so when you threaten to call their parents, they just shrug it off. but i understand the thing with parents that punish their kids for acting up. you wouldnt want to get them in that much trouble, maybe just have the parent talk to them about it. i feel like if i was a teacher i'd be the cool one that everyone likes, im pretty laid back. i wouldnt be too strict (just strict enough for them to know i am a teacher and they are a student) i tend to get along with everyone sometimes without even trying. well a variety of things. The benefits you get, stuff like going to college for free, the pay, being able to experience some new things. stuff like that. The whole serving your country thing i dont care much for, just the challenge of being in the military is what im looking for. i chose the air force specifically cuz i've been in ROTC in highschool and my sergeant was in the air force. i got to hear how life was like personally from him. (life moves fast huh? you never realize it until after you're all grown up) oh wow really? i tend to talk as if you already know what i mean XD i leave out a bunch of details and everything, i feel like having a conversation with me gets confusing at times. i often have to explain things more than once so they understand.
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 11:52pm
haha i say "i dont know" alot when im nervous XD just little habits i have well yeah i mean the both have their pros and cons. sometimes high school kids can be a handful too. at least with little kids you can threaten to call their parents or something. computer programming, although alot of that is on hold im actually looking into joining the air force (so much going on at once ik TwT) yeah thats exactly what i mean, funny that it sounded better coming from you than it did me lol
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 9:37pm
same same. usually i overthink things when it comes to socializing. i think about whether i said the wrong thing or like maybe what i said wasnt normal stuff like that. i just worry too much. haha well you're one to talk, if you've felt that way since 16-17 then mine is justified. idk the minute i crossed over into 18 i was like @-@ when did i get so old? i've been on this planet for 18 years now thats such a long time. it only gets worse cuz in 6 months i'll be 20. oh well i dont feel like i could handle such a responsibility. taking care of like dozens of kids ^^; i mean yeah they kinda teach you about what you're suppose to do, but idk i've never ACTUALLY been good at teaching stuff. thing in my mind dont come out how i want them to. plus one time i was feeding one of my little nieces and she was a baby. here i am giving her this bottle but she is drinking it too fast and im like >.> slow down i dont want you to like drown or something. if a situation like that happened idk how i would react its fine, we are used to it by now. besides she might need it a little more than we do. i'd rather her know what real love and attention is than to go out there and meet some guy who will do her wrong. all because she never experienced it before. if that makes sense?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 8:31pm
haha yeah thats me XD i tend to overthink everything. its a bad habit of mine, sometime i turn the simplest things into like a complex math equation ohhhh i see a teaching internship. well childhood education was my old major. i really like kids :D they are adorable and i seem to get along with them so i figured why not be a teacher? i even volunteered a while back at an elementary school. the kids were so cute. i was in charge of kindergarten. my class used to call me Mr.kitty cuz i wore a shirt with a cat on it my first day of school (haha i figure it would help me fit in with them, but it back fired. they kept thinking i was a kid and not an adult) although even if im younger than you i feel like i get where you're coming from lol i feel old myself dont feel bad for her XD she gets whatever she wants cuz she is the only girl. my mom spoils her, meanwhile the boys must fend for themselves lmao
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 left a comment for maius
Jan 28, 17 at 6:55pm
well just go there already drunk, right? problem solved lol that way you can have fun cuz you arent sober. and you wont have to worry about your drink getting anything. though the only problem is you need someone to take you there. (but then again you needed someone to take you home if you drank there) oh pls you dont seem that old XD if your age on here is correct, you're still pretty young. when you hit 30 then you start rolling into the old people territory. well see what happened is i didnt have enough credits to pass. i had all my advanced classes and everything but i never had the basics (when you have a counselor giving you art when you need math credits to pass, things start getting spooky) then i moved to the new school for senior year,then i had to take algebra 2, american history, physical science all those classes and thats what happened. only classes like english 4 had seniors in them. trust me im shy, irl im super shy. online is different for some reason ikr? two brothers and a sister XD things are crowded enough.