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26 year old Female
Last online 7年以上 ago
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 4:27pm
Are you some kind of masochist? Jesus, and I thought I loved pain... lets see "demigirl", "edgy", all tumblr terms some kid thought was cool. Only liable term is transgender.
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 4:20pm
I also love how you assumed my bf was some guy on the internet when he's my childhood friend and one of the few people on this fucking planet I actually like
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 4:19pm
When will you stop using tumblr terms to define your life? http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcotwcJEXa1rykm4i.png
Jun 23, 15 at 3:53pm
Ok but where is MaiOtaku's staff (Like, harassment and sexism. luv that its acceptable.)
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 3:27pm
People with mental illness are just so fun to fuck with! http://38.media.tumblr.com/521cf1cdb05db91031a08f10e7b697d2/tumblr_nfurtx1FPP1tx9dtlo1_500.gif
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 3:11pm
And look at you Ivy, trying to white knight and protect the sluttiest person on MO, how cute. And honestly IDGAF about women I meet online unless they give me nudes.
Jun 23, 15 at 3:10pm
Sorry for that! I'm not contacting him anymore, so unless he posts on my account, there wont be any more drama
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 2:58pm
Like wat? You're here, you're fun to fuck with, and Im bored so yeah.
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 2:52pm
look it speaks your language! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l12Csc_lW0Q
ritsuioko23 @ritsuioko23 left a comment for madoka
Jun 23, 15 at 3:03am
And there goes the last fuck I give. Have a nice life trying to figure your shit out when Im sitting here with my childhood friend and love of my life. https://41.media.tumblr.com/dd6b7d322e4f06c36212485017bc5a5e/tumblr_ncvqvaAuz41sq4owno1_250.jpg