moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
I attempted to add one to my picture gallery on here but it keeps giving me an error. How do I add a pic to a pm?

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
Awww well I like it. I feel the same way about myself, don't like the way I like in any of my pics. I should put one of me up on here but I'd likely scare everyone away lol j/k

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
Why should you be sleeping?...work later?
What is that series about? I have heard of it but havent seen any episodes. btw did I mention I like your pic...you are a handsome man :)

luke9779 @luke9779
luke9779 @luke9779
Should be sleeping, but im watching Shakugan no Shana season 2.

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
Hey how are you doing today?

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
Added you as a friend by the way, hope you dont mind :)

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
You can keep the snow, I am ready for spring to come now. Canada isn't bad if you like all 4 seasons, although we never get much spring. It is either freezing in winter or hot as hell in the summer. Not much in between lol

luke9779 @luke9779
luke9779 @luke9779
Wow thats great! You have to start somewhere. And making such a thing available to ppl in the area is a great thing too. I tend to move around a bit, but i make time to visit my 2nd family at least once a year so i understand. Been a long time since i was in Canada. The weather man keeps telling me that all the snow i ordered was sent there by mistake.

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
sorry for the typo's, I'll blame it on the fact my glasses broke last night lol

moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
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moonlightjazz @moonlightjazz
It's too bad you don't live a bit closer cause we need to fill some positions within the con, a bunch of staff left last year. Ah My Goddess is a clasic and one of my fave's. It's lucky that my 2 best friend like anime too and they got me into it. Unfortunatly they both moved away so I don't get to see them anymore. Well the one friend is only 2 hours away so I see her at Christmas but the other friend is in another province now so I havent seen her in years :(. As for my con, I have the registration director and doing about of office work as well. We are small, only get about 200 attendee's but we have the same kinda stuff going on as the bigger con's...Dealer's Room, Artist Alley, Panel's, Masquarade, Dance, and we try to get at least 1 voice actor and have had a couple local j rock groups.