ジエニファー @kawaiiaikitsune
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ジエニファー @kawaiiaikitsune
hello, how are you
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
Hey! How did the move go? Hope it went well. Anyways, last day of work huh? Was it sad? Let's see lol Aladdin was a good one too. Oh! And thank you. I thought it was cuteish, so I went ahead and put it on as my profile pic. Anyways, hope you had a great monday!
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
Oh you know same old same old. Christmas went well, I'm excited for New Year's. But anyways...you're moving in January, that must be really exciting! Sadly, for me, this month has been pretty uneventful. But on the plus side I did discover my love for old Disney movies like "Beauty and the Beast" and "Hercules" Anyways, hope you're doing well and hope to hear back from you soon.
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
I'm doing pretty good. How are you doing? Yeah, it seems like we always catch each other randomly huh? Anyways been a while since we talked and just wanted to say hello! Hope your Christmas goes well!
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
Hey! It's been a while so I thought I would just stop by and say hello :) Hope you're having a great October!
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
No...lol I'm wayyyy too lazy, but some friends and I went to IHOP! It was pretty awesome! LOL anyways hope your week went well!
FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
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FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
So you were at AI 2009? So was I. ^_^
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
I work at Peacock's which is a little ma and pop restaurant. It's pretty great! And my birthday is this friday :) I'm so excited! And February nifty! I'll log that away in my list of important dates lol. Nah not too many questions...at least your not interrogating.
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
Oooooh...yeah I'm waitressing (if that's how you spell it) right now. Random thought :):) birthday soonly success for me! I can't wait! So when is your birthday (if you don't mind my asking)
kazumi011 @kazumi011
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kazumi011 @kazumi011
Thank you! I thought it was kinda meh compared to what I could have done if I hadn't procrastinated...but anyways lol :) Yes being cheesy is pretty nifty! Ah sadly I am back in Texas...but it is nice :) I missed all of my friends. So what have you been up to lately??