slimeking95 @slimeking95
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slimeking95 @slimeking95

llNemesisll @llnemesisll Yes

scottyhot @scottyhot
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scottyhot @scottyhot
This account has been suspended.

aiwazabestteach @aiwazabestteach
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aiwazabestteach @aiwazabestteach
jt#0967 is my discord, and I agree this website is terrible for checking messages LOL

nepsam15 @nepsam15
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nepsam15 @nepsam15
So, you're popular. That's terrifying for a newbie like me.

aiwazabestteach @aiwazabestteach jt#0967 is my discord, and I agree this website is terrible for checking messages LOL

afro_god @afro_god
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afro_god @afro_god
Thanks! I'm just getting back on so I appreciate the contact. Just counting down the days until I can go to another convention.

llNemesisll @llnemesisll Oooo, yeah I miss going to conventions too and etc

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Etc~

Tibbs @tibbs
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Tibbs @tibbs
I hope it's not too warm in my closet. Sorry about the mess.

maldiablo @maldiablo
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maldiablo @maldiablo
It's Cambot21#0869

llNemesisll @llnemesisll
llNemesisll @llnemesisll

kinda bored, and kinda wanna make friends to add on discord so...yes lmao....just add me ffs lol im borrredddd

DEADMEME @enby_lotus ALRIGHT GIRL - we doing a "friendship speedrun ANY%" then!

llNemesisll @llnemesisll AYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Will do

DEADMEME @enby_lotus
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DEADMEME @enby_lotus
In your opinion, is Champloo or Bebop a better anime?

llNemesisll @llnemesisll oooo thats a hard one!
id have to say bebop, even though i love champloo

DEADMEME @enby_lotus Oh yeah? What pushes Bebop to the top for you? They're both really strong so I like to compare them

llNemesisll @llnemesisll well for me, bebop is just very aesthetic and spike has always been a fav anime character,
champloo on the other hand, it holds a special place in my heart. But i grew up with bebop

DEADMEME @enby_lotus that makes total sense....I mean Bebop practically birthed a new sub-genre in anime, and it's dystopian cyber-jazz aesthetic is just CANDY. I'm the opposite actually xD I grew up with Champloo and Nujabes was my hip-hop awakening, but Bebop is such a freaking work of art.

llNemesisll @llnemesisll BRO I LOVE NUJABESSS!! champloo will always be good to me tbh

// .wav \\ (─‿‿─) @okamihouse
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// .wav \\ (─‿‿─) @okamihouse
favorite Hayao Miyazaki film?

llNemesisll @llnemesisll totoro, ponyo, howls moving castle