Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Well that was at that time now its 1:58am
(At the time of this message )

zandri @zandri
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zandri @zandri
I am fine c:
Teas sounds great right now
Just relaxing at the moment

sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Hahaha, cousin is just a butt-that's so funny. Being a light sleeper is probably kind of rough, especially when you don't get enough sleep.
At first glance most of them don't make sense but when you analyse some of them they tell you something about yourself and your state of mind. People with the weirdest dreams are the most, I've found in my experience hahaha.
Good on you for kicking him out, it sounds like your cousin deserves it. Some help would definitely be great, I can believe that. I would love some snow-I haven't seen any in my whole life. It would help cool me down right about now too. I never actually thought about what a mess the melting snow would leave, it's always the idealistic image of the thick white snow though it looks like there are some downsides to it too.
From what you've been telling me you definitely deserve that rest. Mhhm, nice stew. It's perfect for cold weather. ;>).

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
I am doing well, it's 12:30am

zandri @zandri
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zandri @zandri
Lily is a very pretty name c:
How are you doing lily?

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Yes it is quite nice isn't it? Haha

zandri @zandri
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zandri @zandri
Nice to meet you as well c:
Im ryan btw

sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
That sounds rough. Just getting four hours at a stretch must be really exhausting. You should get a sleep dart or something to get your cousin to be quiet, lol. They should really take better care of you nurses-you are doing important work. I can't say that sleep is something I have had a problem with, I usually sleep like a log.
I have couple of blank pages that are always at my bedside too. I try to capture those weird dreams as quickly as possible because they usually make for good story material. The mind can concoct some really bizarre stories.
From what I'm hearing it doesn't paint a very good picture of your cousin. Shoveling all the snow must be a really good workout. I'm dealing with the opposite problem, it's so hot here that I'm sweating buckets.
That sounds delightful, I hope you enjoy your time off. I'm always glad to hear from you, talking to you later.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
No problem ^^
you seem pretty cool, and it's nice to meet new people :D

zandri @zandri
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zandri @zandri
You are very welcome c:
Dont worry about it, life happens :D