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32 year old Female
12年弱 ago
United Kingdom
greetings, hello and salutations, I am alexus, a very strange and crazy individual who will most certainly make you smile, or just drive you so deeply insane you will want to eat cheese for a long time... Maybe... Possibly? Ok no but you will suffer from insanity if you can't handle my bizzareness, is that a word?

I am not only insane but I am generally very polite and kind and enjoy cheering people up as it not only satisfies my heart but it helps someone else as well so its all great yes? How I cheer you up varies from my usual brand of lame puns and jokes, insane behavior or useless facts you probably don't care about, like did you know Hideyoshi Toyotomi couldn't be shogun because he had a peasant background? Isn't that really lame! But you get the idea.

Oh I like Japanese stuff, the history was what mainly brought me into loving Japan until my interests evolved and I started learning about the culture and other aspects as well. My biggest goal is probably to move to Japan and become a mangaka, I have so many ideas for manga series may head my explode from the sheer awesomeness! But working in a Japanese video gaming company could also be great.

Why would I work in a Japanese video game company? Good question! I have loved video games for a long time after I was introduced to them and I just can't stop playing them, although over time my interests have changed from anything to certain games such as J-RPG, mystery, retro, plat former and real time strategy, my favorite game of all time is real time strategy, dungeon keeper, a classic, amazing and so fun I completed it over seven times. The persona series is quickly becoming a favorite for its deep enjoyable stores, awesome music and mechanics, I also enjoy the kingdom hearts series, call of duty for the historic and what if historic feel, battlefront for the sheer fun and many more. I am open to playing almost anything, even football games but I would never take it seriously, I tried to take on a high ranking team with ireland, wooo Ireland! I am part Irish so I just had to, I relate more to my Irish routes then English ones, I also randomly adopt a Irish accent sometimes, very odd.

I like a lot of different franchises, like star wars, lord of the rings, marvel, DC tons of stuff, I prefer marvel to DC probably because I thought most of the DC characters were silly but Batman... Ooo Batman 3 He is awesome. I read a lot of star wars stuff and play a lot of games from the franchise, I even enjoy looking up related facts, Boba didn't die in the Sarlacc pit! He lives! There are probably more I like but my mind is blank for that stuff.

I actually went to UCLAN for a few days but I couldn't handle it mentally so I returned home, here Ill be waiting until things are sorted. For now Ill be looking for a simple job as well as starting one of my dreams, to make plush toys 3

Music, well I love a lot of stuff, but I mainly enjoy Japanese based stuff, its really good, I also like Korean music and oh game music, music from video games are usually really well done and its great from my imagination, I tend to day dream a lot and music is a great fuel for dream based scenarios, I will also be carrying my Ipod around for this reason. Persona, tsukihime, fate, music from these series are what drive my imagination the most, I have a very colourful imagination that is constantly amazing and fun 3

I also of course love anime. So far my favorite anime series is A-channel for its unique humor and lovable characters, there's a manga series but I don't think its in English, in fact most of the anime series I watch are based on manga that have no English releases which is a great shame. I also deeply love Yuru Yuri, maria-holic, Death note, Darker than black, squid girl and much more, I have a list somewhere with them on in case I forget. I have a large collection of manga with Suzunari as my most read series. I do also like most western animation, I frequently watch Sponge bob, Phineas and Ferb, avengers mightiest heroes, ultimate spiderman, Ben 10, but so far my two most love western animation series are the amazing world of gum ball and regular show. I occasional watch stuff with real people but its mainly comedy shows.

I do enjoy shopping, buying new clothes, testing perfume, I like smelling like strawberries 3 I also tend to buy hoodies, cute stuff or just silly things that touch my random mind X3 due to this I tend to not have much money these days aha. Lately my money was used to order my favorite sweets from America, Wonka's nerds, they are SO GOOD!

Sports! I do some but not as much, I kick butt at badminton, my biggest achievement? I kicked two guys butts in badminton by myself! Ill never get over it, I was also once so concentrated I fell over backwards and still hit the thingy over the net! I also like table tennis and volleyball and willing to try anything, although its been a while since I was really into sports so I may be not as good at it physically, I may get puffed out X-X
Lets wrap this up then shall we! Insane random, fluffy, silly well you get the idea, I also enjoy chewing tables, tearing open cans with my teeth, bouncing around, falling over, slipping on kitchen floors, squealing, purring, throwing pillows and well licking things. I am also a lucky charm, talk to me and you will receive love, its true, plus I smell different smells depending on who I talk to, and not ordinary smells, if your from the internet I may smell a nice smell if I enjoy talking to you. I am also not human, I am a cat humanoid bent on spreading good luck and cheer!