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24 year old Male
Last online 10ヶ月 ago
X-Calibre @x_calibre left a comment for Laffantion
Jul 23, 19 at 11:18am
Aww thanks. No worries, I'm just new and more or less just struggling with the site's ergonomics.
Blasphemy! I have never heard such drivel! I'll just to do this! *Slowly reaches for the Delete Monika button* *Hits nothing* Me: WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAMN DELETE BUTTON MAN??? *I feel a figure standing behind me* Me: *Turns around to see Monika holding my delete button with a scary smile on her face* Me: *Squeals like a girl* Nonononononono. Please give me that back. I, uh, need that for something... Monika: To delete me? Me: What? Nooooooo, I would never! Monika: You're lying. I know you are cause I can read you like a book. And plus, you don't even like me I heard. You the other 3. Me: How did you... Monika: I can read you like a book, dumbass. Me: Uh... I uh... LOOK THE PLAYER IS TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW HE FEELS ABOUT YOU! Monika: Really! *Looks behind her* Me: For someone who can "Read me like a book." You just got fooled! Me: Jumps out window into a convertible with Yuri, Sayori, and Natsuki Me: LET'S GOOOOO! *Slams on gas*
It really is an hour later huh
Not available for the next hour or so because I will beat that meat.
kaburi4 @kaburi4 left a comment for Laffantion
Jul 22, 19 at 11:34am
I'm almost into my 4th year of German classes! Maybe you could do my homework for me ;;
Excaliborg @excaliborg left a comment for Laffantion
Jul 22, 19 at 1:18am
We've been talking but never friends ey? wtf xd
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Laffantion
Jul 20, 19 at 7:39am
lmao i'm new here uwu
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 dats his bait abort mission!!! aborttt!!!
Thank you so much :3 Your are pretty cool yourself! ;) I'm just glad to be in a community where I feel connected to everyone! I can even learn stuff about anime I didn't even know, even get recommendations for new ones to watch! :)
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