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24 year old Male
Last online 10ヶ月 ago
baked_ziti @baked_ziti left a comment for Laffantion
Jun 28, 19 at 3:23pm
thankies!!~ :3 <3
Jun 27, 19 at 11:02pm
Thank you for accepting my friend request. Glad to make your acquaintance...
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Laffantion
Jun 26, 19 at 6:10pm
"Der Testfall Tiananmen-Platz https://peds-ansichten.de/2019/02/tiananmen-massaker-1989/ As this German article shows, American NGOs and secret services were heavily involved with the student protesters, supported and instructed them throughout their campaign, and rescued their leaders when the coup failed. It should be noted that later in the same year another revolution took place that started fairly similar to the one in China - with the difference that it succeeded. It was the toppling of Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania. That revolution also started with mass protests that were incited and guided by the CIA and were eventually escalated by provoking a massacre on civilians, after a staged massacre with bodies from a cemetery failed to have the desired effect. The consequence was that Ceaușescu was killed and Ion Iliescu, who worked for the Americans, became president. These two events of 1989 have since been the blueprint for a number of coups staged by the United States throughout the world. The 2014 revolution in the Ukraine for example was carried out in the exact same way as the one in China in 1989 - months-long protests by students on a large public square until more and more parts of society joined them, then a massacre that finally led to the fall of the government. They have been doing the same thing over and over again for the last 30 years"
Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for Laffantion
Jun 26, 19 at 6:07pm
"The Gate of Heavenly Peacehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gtt2JxmQtgBack in the day of its release this documentary was harshly criticised by the Chinese government as being a mere propaganda piece, but it is quite revealing nonetheless, especially the second part, because it shows clearly that the protesters of 1989 had no idea what they actually wanted beyond their very vague understanding of democracy. Apparently they held the totally naive notion that, if only they lived in a democratic society then they would all become prosperous.Apparently nobody has ever told them that the Western democracies are not wealthy, because they are democracies, but in the case of the United States, because they had a largely empty and pristine continent at their disposal that was full of untapped resources, and in the case of the European empires, because they ruthlessly exploited their colonies for their own benefit. Most of the so-called democratic countries are anything but prosperous. Or did democracy solve any of South Africa's problems? No, the country is still dirt poor, they are still governed by a corrupt elite and the struggles between whites and blacks are getting so bad that they fear the outbreak of a civil war.https://rtd.rt.com/films/reaping-divine-justice-south-africa-land-expropriation/The greatest lie perpetuated about Western democracies is that the people have anything to say in them. Yes, we are allowed to criticise our government, but why is that so? Because the government doesn't really matter. Who is in charge in a democracy? Big business and banks. They finance the parties and decide who's rising to the top. The rest of the population is nothing but what we in Germany call Stimmvieh, voting cattle, because every couple of years we are led into a voting cabin to make a few crosses on a sheet on paper and with that our politicians' interest in us pretty much ends. So we are allowed to utter ctritique, but only as long as we don't challenge and endanger the system behind the system, the economic stranglehold by a wealthy few. If we do that, we are clubbed into submission just as quickly as you are.Yes, we are allowed the amenity of a "free" press, but why is that? Because all the large media outlets are controlled by the very people who also control our politics. You can easily allow free journalism, if the only voice that is going to be heard is the one of the ruling elite. Now that they are losing their control over the information flow due to the internet, they begin to warm up quickly to any suggestions that serve to restrict free speech, but of course they claim it's only for our best and to prevent crime."
bakajase @bakajase left a comment for Laffantion
Jun 24, 19 at 1:55pm
I'm suffering everyday xD