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dead account

34 year old Female
yeah im gonna message you fer now cus im not very fond about people reading everything i say heh
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for dead account
Oct 16, 11 at 5:22pm
Pretty good how about yourself?
yeah i getcha .. i was new at a school and went out with this really popular guy. broke up with him. alot of people hated me... but life goes on an i didnt care >:P but you know , if they are your real friends they should under stand. you shouldnt stop urself from gaving fun bcus of one person. an why r u sad around him? :( an halloween for me i dunno XD wow beastiality and poke porn... ehhhh
Oct 16, 11 at 1:19am
Well for starters I'm a gamer and I upload gameplay on youtube which mostly takes up my time heh but aside from that I'm a full time uncle taking care of a 7 year old girl heh
Ah understandable >_< Oh scary stuff 0_0 ...? Hmm..well...it is kinda fun for me but I dunno if I'd choose to go see a horror film or something like that XD lolz..but I like a lot of the Halloween-themed movies and fun stuff at festivals..a haunted house sounds like fun!
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for dead account
Oct 15, 11 at 8:38pm
Yeah it has been a while ^.^
mm i see.. is that person some weirdo? i read on your profile you said you had creepers on you? whatwas that like 0.0 if you dont mind me asking lol
aw but freckles make people look innocent and cuuuute! if you look at my picture i have a dot on muh (i would say mole but thats ugly sounding...) they say if you have a mole under your eye like me your bound to get brokenhearted and cry many times .... what a sad fate i have... but anyways you doin any thing for halloween ??
what??? are those freckles on your face??? luuuuuckky can you gimmy some >_<
hello you seem coool. how ya doin?
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