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Lamby @momoichi left a comment for KuroK
Sep 05, 19 at 6:37pm
*cracks theory knuckles and fixes zircon monocle* well i think there are a few different instances we can show for examples our main defense pink diamond simply didnt know that gems had complex feelings exhibit A: when our pearl tells rose that shes been imagining things without roses orders to do so, and rose looks shocked. shocked that a gem could do something that goes against its purpose https://media1.tenor.com/images/b1059c2326742559be3a8ccb155e6cc5/tenor.gif?itemid=12121715 exhibit B: its clear that she had a small opinion of all gems, being as she didnt even want to liberate homeworld until she met garnet, an instance that showed rose that even gems can have "human like" feelings and behaviors exhibit C: when shes explaining to greg what a gem is, its clear from her wrinkled brow that she, again, has a low opinion of them when compared to her jubilated smile when talking about humans. exhibit D: one of the most important instances; when she talks with greg about love. she has no idea what love is. she had no idea spinel loved her. i contest that she had no idea that spinel could have been hurt by her actions. that she assumed that all gems simply pop out of the ground with 0 personality or emotions outside of their programing, something we can easily assume was enforced into her by her elder diamonds. https://data.whicdn.com/images/325693111/original.gif she herself was never shown compassion by gems. those that should have nurtured and cared for her early on in her existence instead berated her, locked her away, and even stole away and broke the first gem she was ever given. a gem we can see she loved very much her pink pearl https://66.media.tumblr.com/1605b2b364bc355ab9f478062bd260a2/tumblr_pkmofcDmTJ1we6z1vo2_250.gif i could also put into theory that that is why she can be seen sometimes with a pained smile around spinel. she reminds her of the gem she got taken from her. her precious first pearl. the pearl that was made just for her, in her likeness. her pink pearl. but thats just a theory, a SU theory! https://66.media.tumblr.com/709e72ec2ac41ae685adfa6b34731e90/tumblr_px8j4cx7Io1rtrm7ho1_500.gif
KuroK @kurok Hmmmm i could see this point.... but i still have many questions.... SU you say?? Some online digging may occur later tonight.... May also be rewatching the movie 1 or 2 more times tonight... Cause i apparently missed some subtleties.... maybe i can find a better version now thats its been out a couple days... I missed the actual release :'(
Lamby @momoichi i can link you a version if you like :3! it is good quality! idk about subtitles though
KuroK @kurok UwU plzzzzzzzz....... subs dont matter, im waiting till i get home so i can enjoy it
Lamby @momoichi im not sure if my dm sent =_=
KuroK @kurok Yasss it did THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio *subscribe to Lamby*
Lamby @momoichi aw good ;w; dms are so broken xD *delivers new theories ever other month*
KuroK @kurok Very broken.... if u have too many open at once too it kinda just breaks ive realized.... *listens in every month* UwU SUBBED
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for KuroK
Sep 05, 19 at 5:50pm
TO BE FAIR i have a great theory on why pink isnt so bad for what she did to spinel >W>!!!!!!!!!!! https://66.media.tumblr.com/97eb04d96ff247d35d2b16e2615b8389/70afff0a031d2723-18/s400x600/567d3e9c1e988dbb5061b37f611a09fa75cbed4a.png
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for KuroK
Sep 04, 19 at 11:27pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for KuroK
Sep 01, 19 at 2:02pm
KuroK @kurok Sweet thank you. XD I ended up bookmarking the page with the tips. I’m gonna make it thru the show I’m on now and start with gundam. Gives me something to pass the time at work so much appreciated.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for KuroK
Aug 30, 19 at 1:45pm
IM NOT AN E-BOY *angry mexican noises*
KuroK @kurok I meannnnn, but you were just saying the other day you were..... i dont know who to believe, you or you
Max @reclaw left a comment for KuroK
Aug 26, 19 at 2:18pm
Honor restored
Max @reclaw *honor restoration noises*
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya Hold on. What honor was lost with kuro brother?
KuroK @kurok Honor never falters........ just gets chipped away by rumors, but its been mended, with the truth.
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya *stttaaaarrrrreeesssss* what kind of rumors my brother?
KuroK @kurok ......................... the kind that are told?
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya *jots down very elusive rumors that holds no truth* so this is what kuro bro did.....
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn left a comment for KuroK
Aug 25, 19 at 5:03am
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn left a comment for KuroK
Aug 25, 19 at 4:55am
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn left a comment for KuroK
Aug 25, 19 at 4:50am
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn left a comment for KuroK
Aug 25, 19 at 4:45am