Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Ghost @kuharido Literally same

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Ghost @kuharido I'm listening

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Since I don't celebrate any holidays, it's not at all weird for me to post this 2022 new year gem whenever.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Ghost @kuharido This is like Newgrounds 2004

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Highway Curly @forgetmenot Ouch, I remembered the quality being better when I downloaded it. Oh well

Ghost @kuharido could be out there

Highway Curly @forgetmenot It is, I'll be going back to it later though. I gotta "explore"

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Highway Curly @forgetmenot

Ghost @kuharido
Ghost @kuharido
Oof, I been wanting to ask someone but eh
Empicca's Territory

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

It’s me…Hi…I’m the problem, it’s me…

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Me: Just do it man. Do not take this post as a sign not to ask someone out. At the end of the day we only regret the chances we did not take. ALSO ME: Well that’s just me, man. I could be wrong too.

Ghost @kuharido I'll just let my crushes die like I always do.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot You always have me, "daddy" Ghost.

Ghost @kuharido I know, son. I will spoil you.
Feb 13-15
May 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Feb 13-15