ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
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ΛᄃΛᄃIΛ @acacia12
Oh no no no no no no

Raime @allukax
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Raime @allukax
This account has been suspended.

Ghost @kuharido I had Auron as my profile puc for a good while.

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
kiki is my main pet, the others im probz gonna abandon later
my goal is to turn her into a jelly poogle (all i want are poogles)

Ghost @kuharido llooks cute. bet she's a good snuggler

Lamby @momoichi she'll be even more snuggly when shes a poogle. i got the strawberry potion for pretty cheap in a store

Ghost @kuharido you saw mine on your wall?

Lamby @momoichi yeah, you like lupes, aye?

Ghost @kuharido yep, I like to pretend they're a couple

Lamby @momoichi kek, you shipper.

Ghost @kuharido their names are so teenage me

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio < 3

Ghost @kuharido Raf, show us your pets

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio I forgot my account in neopets

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Ohhhhh my account is till there, i just forgot the password

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio search for santo37m that was my account when i was a kid

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio santo37 El Bruce, that me i remember iw as happy af whne i got that background

Lamby @momoichi they delete old neopet accounts now

Lamby @momoichi oh nvm found your pet

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio fuck ;_;

Lamby @momoichi cute background, why didnt you paint him?

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio what the username, that can show up? >o>

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Because i liked blue when i was a kid, blue was the bets color

Lamby @momoichi i found the pet >w>/

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio :0000000000000000000000000

Lamby @momoichi uwah you people and not painting your pets. as a kid i drooled over every paintbrush there was. i also had a huge ass petpetpet collection back in the day. man i wish i had my main account back

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Ghost @kuharido man, the shopkeeper is tryign to charge me 10,000 for a burger

Ghost @kuharido ugh, finally I fed them

Ghost @kuharido show me your pets.

Lamby @momoichi buy a girl a drink first, jeez so forward

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Neopets is the best example why you shouldn't invest in the stock market. I fucking los 30,000 coins

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Fucking Chia coffee company that can even create an economic security to the investors

Ghost @kuharido it's like Gaia too. People complain about the gaia economy all the time

Lamby @momoichi he he he. i got 50k in the bank im collecting interest on

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio You don't know what's to log in everyday into the giant tortilla just to feed your pet

Lamby @momoichi just to go jelly world and the omelette, fruit machine and troll around the money tree for free food. i NEVER buy my pets food. waste of neopoints

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio jesus, you are almost like the drawers that still don't include the long hat to use because "IT WOULD BE HARD TO DRAW EVERY CHARACTER WITH THE HAT" when the fucking design has been thre for 7 years

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Oh and the wheel of mono, i swear that guy was a scammer. I remember i went to eat, watch tv and the wheel still was spinning

Lamby @momoichi im just focused on painting my pets. no need to worry about food when its free!

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio xDDDD

Ghost @kuharido the food should just be free

Lamby @momoichi it takes around 4 hours usually. yeah i know the feel, you wait so fucking long just to get shit. once i got the prize RIGHT NEXT TO THE PAINTBRUSH. FUCK THAT HURT

Lamby @momoichi ghost is a commy, get him

Ghost @kuharido the neoboards are too clean. how do you get putang on there?

Lamby @momoichi you gotta read between the lines and send dick pics at random

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio Oof the gaia eocnomy, fun fact they are thesis about what happens in a eocnomy whwen the inflation hits using gaia as example

Ghost @kuharido I saw that thesis, I couldn't believe the effort put into it

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio xD

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
im a terrible neomama
i only feed my pets when i have free food (i put my omelettes and jellies in galleries)
but atleast i use the neopoints i save to paint them nice colors (even if they are starving)

Ghost @kuharido I take care of my pets ever five years I log in.

Lamby @momoichi unfortunately theyr deleting old accounts. your neopets belong to the void now. btw, did you ever paint them cool colors? i had a multant, mutant, and snow

Ghost @kuharido pretty sure mine are still okay logged in not too log ago. let me check up on them. No, I kept them the normal colors I liked those looks.

Lamby @momoichi WAT why even collected neopoints then? what did you spend them on?

Ghost @kuharido just stuff for my pets. I liked them the way that they were

Lamby @momoichi like what? did you have any galleries or shops?

Ghost @kuharido no, not really I didn't play much

Lamby @momoichi awww. if you ever do i could always donate some food your way.

Ghost @kuharido oof, always so critical. Just let me be me

Ghost @kuharido freakin omelette is out right now

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.

Ghost @kuharido Those are some terrifying creatures.
Feb 13-15
May 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Feb 13-15