Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader It's midnight. This counts

Veru @verucassault LOL I rewatched this last night.

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Good shit. I had to watch the pizza one right after this

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Animal crossing is ma lifu

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku

A fat pussy!

Ghost @kuharido Would make a good snuggle buddy.
|* ̄∇ ̄|

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido That dub is infamous

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader For sure lol

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido Accurate XD

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido You don't like it?

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Nah this shit looks funny as fuck to me

Ghost @kuharido I haven't formed an opinion on it yet. Looks alright though.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 It looks like an anime girl bending over in a mech suit. Mark cerny watches mech anime confrimed

Ghost @kuharido ^ XD

Veru @verucassault Now there's an X I could tap....

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido Hot XD

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader The series continues

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido You know they originally thought the platypuss was a hoax.

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader Source?

Ghost @kuharido https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/04/01/the-platypus-is-so-weird-that-scientists-thought-the-first-specimen-was-a-hoax/

ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku

This is our Maitreya~Chinese name is 布袋和尚, he is regarded to be an incarnation of Maitreya~ Future.

Lishifu @hakutaku He was born in Zhejiang, no wonder that temple has that.

Ghost @kuharido I remember reading a story that when Budai slept outside snow would evaporate before it touched his body cause his qi was so great.

Lishifu @hakutaku Big belly, good mentality :P, greater Qi. He was a monk who ate meat :D, not really a vegan like most Chinese monks.

Ghost @kuharido Yogananda talked about vegetarians in spiritual living. Even Gautama Buddha ate meat when given alms. I respect the commitment to vegetarianism though.
Feb 13-15
May 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Feb 13-15