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34 year old Female
Last online 6年弱 ago
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 04, 17 at 5:49pm
Yeah the voice text is just so much easier and faster to type with most of the time. I really didn't get English class myself, I was never good with grammar and all of that and after I graduated I walked up to my teacher and said you know I feel safe telling you this now but I'm amazed that I passed this class because I only understood half of what was going on xD congratulations on the advanced score! Lol. I was never a fan of man, I could do it I just wasn't a big fan of it. Yeah slang isn't terrible but it seems like there are new versions of it being created every other day. Yeah that's what good friends do. It's kind of fun to do isn't it? To be able to finish another person sentence and to know their habits. Ah I see, still a bit of a distance but maybe you live slightly closer than I thought lol. Well I'm from all over the place because I come from a military family. I was born in Indianapolis, I lived in Virginia as well, then I lived in St Louis, then Seattle and then Georgia though this is apparently my second time in Georgia. Yeah it's really something else to be at a convention in surrounded by people who share your love for things. It's an experience that you just have to share yourself to fully understand it. You will meet some of the nicest people you'll ever see in your life at conventions. That's pretty awesome. To be able to hold your own panel and I like the topic as well. I would say that I was also born in the 90s but that's kind of obvious since you can see that we're the same age xD by the way I saw a Mandy and Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy at the convention. What kind of Cosplay would you like to do? All it takes is a lot of practice and you can do it just fine. It's not really that hard, it's kind of like muscle memory but it has its upsides as well as downsides. The upside is obvious but the downside is that it's kind of like playing a video game and dying and returning to a save point when you mess up. With mechanical memory when you mess up for whatever reason or even if it's a small mess up it's like you have to go back to some random point in the song because your fingers won't remember how to recover from that. So you can make a small mess up and then you have to return about 10 or 15 seconds maybe before that mess up and you can't pick up where you were because your mind will go blank. I need to become more proficient with reading sheet music because it would help with my mechanical memory plus it would just make playing easier in general. Chopsticks, I don't recall that but it sounds familiar. That's pretty cool. I still want to learn how to play True Light from DN angel as well as lilim from Elfen Lied but I haven't quite got it down yet and I don't practice it enough to really get the hang of it. Don't worry about it, it's the same way with me right now. I haven't practiced enough that all of my songs are a little rusty or I'm not able to play it through without messing up at least once. Yeah the thing with nightcore is that it's not done the same way as every other kind of song usually is and so it's up to the individual person and so one song can have different versions of Nightcore and one version can be terrible while another can be great even though it's the same song. That's pretty cool though, you had the initiative and everything to get up and teach yourself and nobody else would. I can imagine how you felt. I went to the Art Institute of Atlanta at first but it would have taken me an entire year before we would have even started anything even slightly pastry related and so I ended up going to the French pastry school in Chicago which Focused completely on the topics that I wanted. There's no shame in that, that's how everyone learns something in the beginning. Every teacher had to learn on their own at some point and every art had someone who was the first person to try it and they could only do it through trial and error. I don't blame you, I think everyone has something that they get tired of just because you have to do it so many times that it just becomes laborious even if it's not that difficult to do. I don't really remember having a particular subject that I like more than others though I had some that I didn't care for it as much as others. I do remember that I always joked that my favorite subject was lunch xD Macaroons can be tricky to make. Sometimes it can be hard not to get that little nipple, as it was called when we were being taught, from forming when you squeeze it out of the pastry bag and onto the tray. It can be surprisingly difficult to find some of those higher quality items at a decent price, especially if you don't have a lot of wiggle room in your budget. What do you mean by mirror marbleizing? I'm unfamiliar with that. Definitely lol. If I remember correctly it takes about 2 hours each time you do it with if I remember correctly it takes about 2 hours each time with the butter when making the croissants and I believe you have to do it 3 times? I think it was the first time I had to try and make buttercream by myself I ended up beating it 2 fast and made butter xD. Wait..... actually I can't remember what it was for certain but I know I beat the heavy whipping cream way too far lol. You have to start somewhere and most of the time it just looks more difficult than it really is. I don't think I'm that advance myself either. Here's a picture of something I've done. What do you have in mind for Halloween? I love celebrating Halloween myself, you have no idea XD I haven't tried making my own extract but I imagine it's a painful and difficult process. Wow you really do love to bake lol. What's your favorite part of baking? Mine is kind of the idea that you can take all these different ingredients and somehow mix them together and they come out to be a cake or whatever. You wouldn't think that could happen just by looking at milk flour and eggs and stuff, at least not looking at them separately and thinking wow if I smashed this altogether it actually turns into this. I think I get what you mean with a romance thing. I haven't seen Nightmare on Elm Street but I've seen some others though I can't remember off the top of my head. Have you seen the new version of it? It's not that bad but I kind of prefer the old version instead though I think the new version did improve in some ways. Yeah sometimes it just makes you shake your head. For me I don't really care for Gore in general but if it has a point then I can live with it but if it's just there to be Gory for no other reason than I don't feel like putting myself through it. Now there are some gory things I love like the manga battle Angel Alita. I never would have thought I would have enjoyed that because it has things like spines being ripped out and brains being eaten and limbs being ripped off and stuff like that but I absolutely love the manga.
Max @reclaw I need a tldr
Ed~ @yamadaed Basically he said "I've fapped to your pics"
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 03, 17 at 9:02am
Crap, this is actually a second part to the first reply. My keyboard on my phone disappeared so I had to restart it but I was afraid of the message disappearing so I hit send and I forgot that I can't edit profile comments. I decorate them as well. I made a couple of wedding cakes and stuff before. I also made gumpaste flowers and stuff like that. I love how you tell me that you're not a huge fan of romance and yet the next sentence has you telling me that you watched a ton of it lol. To be fair though I guess I kind of said the exact same thing xD I have heard of it but I haven't watched it yet. I'll have to look into it then I seen a couple of those. I'm not a big fan of Horror when it comes to anime but I don't mind it when it comes to the normal movies as long as it's not a pointless Slasher. I don't care for Gore but I can deal with it but I don't care for Gore for no other reason than just being there to be gory. I watch both.
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 03, 17 at 8:55am
Yeah I'm not all that great with grammar and stuff and so things like who and whom can be troublesome. Not to mention when you get into all the slang terms. Well you probably just feel more comfortable around your friends and if you can't talk naturally around your friends and who can you talk naturally around? Oh so you live out around Savannah? That's pretty far out there. I'm glad to hear that there's a convention coming near you though. I am lucky though it has taken a few years to get to them all. I wish I could just go to them year round. That's very true. There is always next year. I don't remember exactly. I think my family encouraged me and I went along with it. It's really fun though to be able to feel the music as you play it. Mostly just some anime songs. I know it's simplified version of Linkin Park's crawling, Sora from escaflowne, sayuri's world from a place promised in our early days and I've been working or Natsuhiboshi from Naruto. Oh I almost forgot I also know fields of Hope from gundam Seed. I can read sheet music more or less but I've always had trouble with it and have relied too heavily on mechanical memory. Yeah a lot of people want to hit that. I'm not sure if I'd be willing to go that far because I hear the average line wait is 3 hours but maybe if I didn't have to pay for anything I would give it a try. I'm not sure if there's a convention I would want to hit more than the others but I definitely would like to go back to sakura con in Seattle because I used to live there and that was my first convention. I enjoy animecons the most. I'm pretty open with my music as well. I enjoy anything that sounds good and catches my ear though I usually stay away from rap and hip hop except for a few specific exceptions. I'm a big fan of Nightcore though a lot of people don't care for it. Teach yourself? That is pretty scary with pulled sugar, the teachers at the French pastry school pretty much told us that if you got some on your skin that you just need to wait and suck it up otherwise if you try pulling it off before it cool if you'll pull your skin off with it. Yeah Isomalt is better to use that kind of stuff for those exact reasons. That's pretty impressive in my opinion. Well if I ever get back into it I would be happy to take you up on your offer! They tried teaching me blown sugar and I was supposed to make a swan but instead I made a botanically correct eggplant as they said xD I have made both. Macaroons are awesome and especially if you could do the rum raisin recipe. That's very true, store bought croissants don't compare to real homemade croissants. For good and for bad, they are so incredibly greasy and buttery but they are so light and Flaky and tasty. It does take forever though like you said. It's not really that hard but it's the butter part that takes forever.
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 02, 17 at 4:04pm
That's good, thankfully I don't mess up the English language in writing as badly or as often as I seem too when I try and speak it even though it's my native language xD Most of them seem to be around Atlanta or the Marietta area. Somewhere north of Atlanta for the most part. The app is usually specific to the convention and I just looked up the AWA app. DragonCon has their own app as well. I'm not sure about Momo con or the other conventions. Thanks ^ ^ it's still not as good as other people's but I'm happy with it. I bought the outfit online but I need to staff myself. I've been to around 15 or 20 I guess? I went to sakura con in Seattle twice, DragonCon here 9 or 10 times and this year was my fourth year at AWA. That's pretty cool. I've been playing the piano off and on for 3 or 4 years maybe? I don't know maybe a little longer but it's been awhile since I've really put a lot of effort into it so I'm pretty Rusty in my opinion. Now I just occasionally sit down every now and then and try and see what I can play from memory. That's too bad, I noticed the timing that you messaged me and I wondered if you were actually at the convention at the same time I was. Which convention do you want to go to more than any other one? What kind of music do you like? Pulled sugar huh? I have some experience with that though extremely Limited. The most complicated thing I can do is your basic sugar Rose. It's really nerve-racking to do in the beginning because you're always worried about burning the crap out of yourself lol. It's hard to say. I definitely love eating Pate de fruit so I guess you could say I really look forward to making that because then I get to eat it but I'm always so impatient because you have to wait like 24 hours after it's made for it to set >.< what about you? I enjoy action TV and movies but I'm also a romantic so I enjoy romance movies though ironically when it comes to anime I've only had one pure romance anime and I didn't care much for it so for anime specifically I would lean more towards rom-com rather than straight Romance. I also enjoyed sci-fi as well. How about you?
Hello! Thanks for your comment on my page. Sorry for taking a while to respond. It has been a bit since I was last on this site. It's a pleasure to meet you.
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 02, 17 at 4:26am
Wow I just noticed the embarrassing autocorrect with my comment on your page where I said I'm sorry for myself lol. It really is, I'm glad you found me, and also seems like when you manage to find a fellow Ga otaku that half the time they're not even online anymore. AWA was really awesome this year. They came out with an app for the convention and it really helped a lot of people including myself reach out and make new friends at the convention. I did, I cosplayed as Fai D Flourite from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. Here I think I can get a picture uploaded. Well aside from anime and manga I also enjoyed reading and playing the piano as well as baking. How about you? How has your weekend been and what are some of your hobbies?
‍Animekid @animekid left a comment for kitsune90
Oct 01, 17 at 1:44pm
Hey. I'm sorry for myself your comment on my profile. I've been at Anime Weekend Atlanta ^_^