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26 year old Female
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 10, 13 at 5:28am
but yea my summer's alright finish like a few animes but i wish i could stay home more where theres internet (i go to my parents shop thats lik a 45 min mile drive from here...everyday, except Sunday, as well as no internet up here) aye
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 10, 13 at 5:26am
hmm not yet, my parents decided to do something before school starts luckily tis year schools starts in september oh and my birthday is upcoming so im hoping for a car or an electronic of my choice
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 08, 13 at 8:15pm
aha so...how bout that OSU game i suggested, u in? its multiplayer so we could have match with eachother
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 08, 13 at 5:26pm
yepp i see alot of girls goin for Ikuto but its really her hair aha shes fun to be around and i like how she runs away cryin after bein insulted by Yozura, oh and Sena's Japanese ( i think mix)
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 08, 13 at 5:35am
i tbh i do care about looks but also i think that everyone can look good if thy jus try too, i mean like some fatty could be hottie if jus decide ever to one day to go out and exercise u know but also personality a big thing (aha my parents taught me tis too) oh and heres an example of kind of a dream girl of mine: Sena From Boku wa Tomodachi
Hmmm My standards arnt very hight, well at least in my opinion. I dont care about looks I would like the person to share some my interests like anime and games and stuff mainly, I would love a guy who could make me laugh. The problem is more with me, I dont get asked out often because I get embarassed alot over silly things. What kind of person would you go out with?
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 07, 13 at 7:57pm
true but some people says its all about ur skills and tactics oh and a friend of mine on FB was nice enough to give me his account aha but thanx for the sympathy so wat type of person u would go out with? aha
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 07, 13 at 5:44pm
its always summer and the hot sun but i luv the cold so its pretty weird and if u ever try OSU then heres my name: Bloodxplus add mee so to day i went on my usual anime site and some little bitch malawared it so i'm so piss that its down and now im banned for one day on LoL and i was suppose to play with my homie jus now...aye
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 07, 13 at 1:46pm
so when do u turn 16? i turn 17 tis upcomin august, aye i just hate how its like right before school starts have u ever tried OSU its awesome free rhythm game, heres a link: https://osu.ppy.sh/ its single player and multiplayer and u can create ur own map(the thingy when u play) too
Win @win left a comment for katelynofhearts
Jul 07, 13 at 5:09am
aha i'm not very with askin questions butif u wnt then i could try my best oh and my favorite subject is Math hmm...heres a question, Do u play any online games?
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